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100+ Machine Learning Project Ideas for 2025

Machine Learning Project Ideas

Your professor just announced a big project, and it needs to be innovative, practical, and not something everyone else is doing. Awesome. Now, instead of finding yourself in a Google rabbit hole of cliché ideas (predicting house prices again? Come on!), let’s talk about machine learning project ideas that are actually interesting and won’t make you want to throw your laptop out the window.

Here are five solid picks:

  • Music Genre Classifier
  • AI-Powered Resume Screener
  • Fake News Detector
  • Retail Demand Forecasting
  • Handwriting Recognition System

This article is here to help you find the machine learning project that fits your skills and looks impressive on your resume. 

And if you ever feel stuck, EssayPro has your back with expert guidance on academic projects, from brainstorming to final submissions.

Machine Learning Project Ideas for Beginners

Starting with the right machine learning ideas makes all the difference. The wrong project can leave you staring at error messages for days, while the right one helps you build confidence and real skills. Beginner projects should be fun and doable, with no overwhelming algorithms.

Healthcare and Medicine

Healthcare is one of the most exciting areas to work with machine learning techniques, but let’s be honest, many projects out there are way too complex for beginners. You don’t need to build a deep learning model that scans MRIs on day one. A good project teaches real ML skills while solving actual problems:

  1. Will This Patient Skip Their Doctor’s Appointment?
  2. Sorting ER Patients by Urgency
  3. Which Over-the-Counter Drug Works Best?
  4. Does This Fitness Tracker Data Mean Poor Sleep?
  5. AI That Reminds You to Take Your Pills
  6. How Long Will You Wait in the ER?
  7. Sniffing Out Fake Health Insurance Claims
  8. Allergy Season Predictor for Your City
  9. Which Foods Could Trigger Your Migraine?
  10. Smart Hospital Staffing – Who Needs More Doctors on Duty?

Here are some more detailed ideas with how-to guide:

  1. Doctor’s Office No-Show Predictor
    Every missed appointment wastes time and resources. Train a model using past scheduling data, patient history, and external factors (like weather or traffic conditions) to estimate which patients are likely to skip their appointments.
  2. AI-Powered Symptom Assistant
    Instead of panicking after searching symptoms online, build a basic NLP model that categorizes symptom descriptions into simple, non-alarming categories like "common cold," "flu," or "allergies." Use real-world medical datasets to improve accuracy.
  3. Does This X-Ray Show Pneumonia?
    Use a pre-trained convolutional neural network (CNN) to classify chest X-rays into "normal" or "pneumonia." Instead of training from scratch, start with an existing deep-learning model to make the process more manageable.
  4. Will This Patient Be Back in the Hospital Soon?
    Hospital readmissions cost healthcare providers millions. Train a machine learning model using past discharge records to predict which patients are at high risk of needing to come back within 30 days.
  5. Fixing Messy Handwritten Prescriptions
    Doctors have notoriously bad handwriting. Use optical character recognition (OCR) techniques to build a system that scans and translates handwritten prescriptions into readable, structured text.

Environment and Sustainability

Climate change isn’t some distant problem — it’s happening right now. Forests are shrinking and some cities have more smog than air. From predicting pollution levels to making homes more energy-efficient, ML can be used to deal with real-world sustainability issues:

  1. Smog Alert System That Warns Before the Air Gets Bad
  2. AI That Tells You If Your Trash is Actually Recyclable
  3. Which City Parks Need More Trees? AI Analyzes Heat Maps to Find Out
  4. Smart Sprinklers That Don’t Waste Water When It’s About to Rain
  5. AI That Tracks Illegal Deforestation Before It’s Too Late
  6. A System That Predicts When Public Transport Will Be Overcrowded
  7. How Much Energy Is Your Home Wasting? AI Analyzes Your Usage
  8. A Tool That Spots Plastic in the Ocean Using Satellite Images
  9. ML That Tells Farmers the Best Time to Harvest Their Crops
  10. Which Streets Are Noisy and Need Soundproofing? AI Listens and Maps It

Here are some more detailed ideas with how-to guide:

  1. Air Quality Predictor That Sends Early Warnings
    Bad air days can cause serious health problems. Train a model using pollution levels, traffic density, and weather forecasts to predict poor air quality before it happens so people can prepare.
  2. AI-Powered Smart Recycling Assistant
    People throw recyclable materials into the trash all the time. Use image recognition to build a tool that scans an item (like a soda can or food wrapper) and tells users whether it belongs in the recycling bin.
  3. Water Waste Monitor That Detects Leaks in Homes
    Leaky pipes waste gallons of water every day. Train a machine learning model to analyze water consumption data and send alerts when unusual usage patterns suggest a possible leak.
  4. Forest Loss Detector Using Satellite Images
    Illegal logging is a major environmental problem. Use public satellite images and machine learning to detect changes in forest cover over time and flag potential areas of deforestation.
  5. Food Waste Tracker That Suggests Recipes for Leftovers
    Tons of food get thrown away just because people don’t know what to do with it. Train an ML model using ingredient lists and recipe data to suggest meal ideas based on what’s about to expire in your fridge.

Education and Learning

School can be tough. Some students struggle to keep up, others are bored out of their minds, and nobody enjoys cramming for exams last minute. Machine learning techniques can make learning smarter and way less painful:

  1. Which Students Might Drop Out? AI Spots Early Warning Signs
  2. Smart Flashcards That Learn What You Keep Forgetting
  3. AI That Finds Plagiarism Without Just Googling the Answer
  4. Who’s Struggling in Class? AI Analyzes Mistakes to Find Out
  5. What’s Your Best Learning Style? AI Figures It Out from Your Scores
  6. A Spellchecker for Handwritten Notes — Because We All Make Mistakes
  7. What Course Should You Take Next? AI Recommends Based on Past Grades
  8. AI That Summarizes Long Lectures So You Don’t Have To
  9. Predicting Exam Topics Based on What Your Teacher Focuses On
  10. Can AI Spot Students Struggling with Mental Health?

Here are some more detailed ideas with how-to guide:

  1. Personalized Study Plan Generator
    Not everyone learns at the same speed. Train a model using quiz scores and study habits to create a personalized plan that tells students what to focus on.
  2. AI That Fixes Handwriting Mistakes
    Messy handwriting can hurt test scores. Use image recognition to scan handwritten notes and suggest spelling/grammar fixes.
  3. A Smart Tutor That Adapts to You
    Instead of a boring multiple-choice quiz, train AI to track mistakes and explain answers differently based on where students struggle.
  4. Lecture Summarizer That Saves You Hours
    Use speech-to-text and NLP to turn an hour-long lecture into short, easy-to-read notes.
  5. AI That Predicts Your Exam Score Before You Take It
    Based on past quizzes, assignments, and attendance, this model estimates how well a student might do on their next big test.

Business and Finance

Money problems are everywhere. Businesses need to know what’s selling and who’s trying to scam them. Regular people want to save money and not go broke before payday. These machine learning model projects are about real problems and real skills you can use.

  1. Can This New Business Survive? AI Analyzes Early Growth Trends
  2. Your Budget, But Smarter: AI That Warns Before You Overspend
  3. Will This Startup Crash? AI Looks at Financial Health
  4. Fake Reviews Are Everywhere: AI Spots Them Before You Get Scammed
  5. Which Products Will Sell Out First? AI Predicts Demand
  6. Expense Report or Fraud? AI Catches Fake Reimbursements
  7. What’s Twitter Saying About Stocks? AI Reads Market Sentiment
  8. Is This Customer a Late Payer? AI Spots Payment Risks
  9. Coupons That Actually Work: AI Finds What Makes People Buy
  10. Loan Approved or Denied? AI Predicts Who Can Actually Pay Back

Here are some more detailed ideas with how-to guide:

  1. AI That Predicts if a Business Will Make It or Flop
    Use business growth data, industry trends, and early sales numbers to predict if a startup is on its way up or about to crash.
  2. Smart Budgeting Tool That Knows When You’re About to Overspend
    Train a model with past spending habits to warn users when they’re about to go over budget and suggest smarter ways to save.
  3. AI That Spots Fake Reviews on Shopping Websites
    Use text patterns, sentiment analysis, and review timestamps to detect fake product reviews that mislead buyers.
  4. Who’s Most Likely to Pay Late? AI Flags Risky Customers
    Businesses lose money when customers don’t pay on time. Train an ML model using past payment records, customer behavior, and billing history to predict late payments.
  5. AI That Tells Stores What’s Going to Sell Out Next
    Retailers need to know what’s flying off the shelves before it happens. Use past sales, seasonality, and shopping trends to predict demand and prevent stockouts.

Entertainment and Media

Streaming platforms recommend what to watch, social media figures out what’s trending, and AI helps creators make better content. You don’t need to work for Netflix or Spotify to build something cool. These projects make entertainment more fun:

  1. Can AI Predict the Next Big TikTok Trend Before It Blows Up?
  2. A Playlist Generator That Knows Your Mood Better Than You Do
  3. Is This YouTube Title Clickbait or Actually Interesting? AI Decides
  4. Which Netflix Shows Will Get Canceled? AI Reads the Signs
  5. AI That Writes Song Lyrics Based on Your Favorite Artist’s Style
  6. A Meme Generator That Learns Your Humor (And Roasts You Back)
  7. Fake News or Real? AI Spots Lies Before They Go Viral
  8. What Makes a Song a Hit? AI Analyzes Music Trends
  9. Will This Video Go Viral? AI Finds What Works on Social Media
  10. Which Podcast Should You Listen to Next? AI Has a Recommendation

Here are some more ideas with how-to guide:

  1. AI That Knows What Music Will Be a Hit
    Train a model using tempo, genre, lyrics, and past chart trends to predict which songs have hit potential before they blow up.
  2. AI That Auto-Writes Video Titles That Get Clicks
    Use past viral video data, keywords, and engagement metrics to help content creators craft the perfect YouTube title.
  3. A Smart Movie Recommendation System That Doesn’t Just Copy Netflix
    Train a model that actually understands your taste instead of suggesting generic “Because You Watched…” recommendations.
  4. Meme Bot That Generates Jokes Based on What You Find Funny
    Feed it popular meme formats and past viral captions to create custom jokes that actually match your humor.
  5. Detecting Fake News Before It Spreads
    Use natural language processing (NLP) to analyze how biased, misleading, or outright fake an article is before people start sharing it.

Transportation and Logistics

Traffic sucks. Buses never show up when they’re supposed to. Deliveries get delayed for no reason. Machine learning techniques can fix a lot of these headaches: predicting delays and helping packages arrive on time:

  1. Which Delivery Routes Are Always Late? AI Finds the Culprit
  2. Your Bus App Lies: AI Predicts When It’ll Actually Arrive
  3. AI That Spots Traffic Jams Before You Even Leave the House
  4. What’s the Best Time to Leave? AI Helps You Dodge Rush Hour
  5. Which Roads Are Worst for Cyclists? AI Analyzes Crash Hotspots
  6. Need a Parking Spot? AI Tells You Where to Find One Fast
  7. Did Your Package Get Stolen? AI Detects Risky Delivery Areas
  8. Which Flights Will Get Delayed? AI Reads the Signs Before the Airline Admits It
  9. Train Running Late? AI Predicts Delays Using Weather & Past Data
  10. How to Stop Trucks from Driving Around Empty? AI Fixes Logistics Waste

Here are some more detailed ideas with how-to guide:

  1. AI That Predicts Package Delays Before You Even Order
    Use past delivery times, traffic patterns, and weather data to tell customers if their order is likely to be late before they hit “buy.”
  2. A Bus Tracker That Actually Works
    Train a model using GPS data, traffic updates, and past bus delays to give a real ETA instead of the app’s usual nonsense.
  3. The Smartest Delivery Route Planner for Couriers
    Use road congestion, weather, and delivery priorities to figure out the fastest and most efficient delivery routes for drivers.
  4. AI That Saves You from Circling for a Parking Spot
    Train a model with real-time parking data, street sensors, and time-of-day trends to predict the best parking areas before you even leave.
  5. Which Roads Are Accident Traps? AI Finds High-Risk Areas
    Analyze crash reports, speed limits, and road conditions to highlight streets where accidents happen the most, so cities can fix them.

Security and Privacy

Hackers, data leaks, spam emails, sketchy phone calls — online security is a mess. Every day, people get scammed and personal info gets stolen. Machine learning algorithms can help catch threats before they happen. And you don’t need to be a cybersecurity expert to build something useful: 

  1. AI That Detects Phishing Emails Before You Even Open Them
  2. Is This Password Strong Enough? AI Checks for Security Risks
  3. Which Websites Are Scammy? AI Analyzes Suspicious Domains
  4. AI That Spots Fake Reviews Before You Get Scammed Online
  5. Can AI Detect a Deepfake Video? Spotting Fake Faces & Voices
  6. Smart Fraud Detection for Small Businesses (Not Just Big Banks)
  7. AI That Flags Suspicious Login Attempts Based on User Behavior
  8. Which Apps Are Spying on You? AI Scans Privacy Policies for Red Flags
  9. AI That Predicts if a Leaked Password Has Been Used Elsewhere
  10. Smart Home Security System That Learns When Something Feels Off

Here are some more detailed ideas with how-to guide:

  1. AI That Detects Phishing Emails Before You Click
    Train a model using email content, sender behavior, and common scam patterns to automatically flag suspicious emails.
  2. AI-Powered Strong Password Checker
    Use real-world hacked password databases and security rules to train a model that tells users if their password is weak, strong, or already compromised.
  3. Spotting Fake Reviews on Shopping Websites
    Train an ML model using text patterns, sentiment analysis, and review timestamps to detect fake product reviews designed to trick buyers.
  4. Detecting Deepfake Videos Before They Spread
    Use facial recognition and voice analysis algorithms to detect whether a video is AI-generated or real.
  5. Smart Fraud Detection for Online Transactions
    Build a system that uses purchase history, location, and spending habits to detect unusual transactions before they turn into fraud.

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Intermediate Machine Learning Project Ideas

So, you have the basics down. You’ve built a few beginner projects and maybe even stared at error messages for hours (totally normal). Now, it’s time to level up. Intermediate machine learning projects should be more challenging and closer to real-world applications:

  1. Historical Sales Data in Future Stock Prices for Predictive Modeling
  2. Market Basket Analysis with Data Science for Shopping Behavior Prediction
  3. Classification Model for Spam Email Detection Using Text Data
  4. Social Media Platforms in Sentiment Analysis Using Natural Language Processing Techniques
  5. Data Processing and Exploratory Data Analysis for Automated Dataset Cleaning
  6. Predictive Model for Energy Consumption Using Machine Learning Applications
  7. User Preferences in Travel Assistant AI for Data Collection Optimization
  8. Support Vector Machines for Resume Screening in Machine Learning Engineer Hiring
  9. Fake Review Detection Using Data Analysis and Classification Models
  10. Deep Learning Algorithms for Smart Chatbot Understanding in Natural Language Processing
  11. Collaborative Filtering for Personalized Course Recommendations in Machine Learning Courses
  12. Accurate Pricing Models for Housing Market Analysis Using Feature Engineering Techniques
  13. Machine Learning Professionals in Fraud Detection Using Classification Models
  14. Deep Learning Techniques in Music Recommendations for User Preferences
  15. Predictive Model for Personalized Workout Plans Using Data Collection

Advanced Machine Learning Project Ideas

You’ve moved past the basics. You’re comfortable with data preprocessing, model selection, hyperparameter tuning, and maybe even deep learning frameworks. Now, it’s time for serious advanced machine learning projects:

  1. Accurate Pricing Models for Product Optimization Using Data Analysis
  2. Deep Learning Techniques for Model Performance Optimization in AI Predictions
  3. Natural Language Processing Techniques for Fake News Detection in Deep Learning Algorithms
  4. Providing Valuable Insights in AI-Based Legal Document Summarization
  5. Exploratory Data Analysis for Customer Churn Prediction Using Classification Models
  6. Future Stock Prices in Crowdfunding Success Predictions Using Deep Learning Techniques
  7. Supervised Learning Techniques for Fraud Detection in Financial Transactions
  8. User Preferences in AI-Based Marketing Optimization Using Machine Learning Professionals
  9. Computer Vision and Deep Learning Algorithms for Handwritten Text Recognition
  10. Historical Sales Data for Real Estate Market Trend Predictions in Predictive Models
  11. Deep Learning Algorithms in Fake Signature Detection for Machine Learning Engineers
  12. Natural Language Processing Techniques in Automated News Summarization Using Text Data
  13. Feature Engineering Techniques for Defect Detection in Manufacturing Products
  14. Exploratory Data Analysis in Best Time to Post on Social Media Platforms
  15. AI That Thinks Like Humans? Enter Neurosymbolic AI

Machine Learning Project Ideas for Final Year

Your final year project is your chance to showcase everything you’ve learned. A great ML project should be ambitious and impressive enough to stand out. Whether you're aiming for real-world applications or a portfolio-worthy project, this list will help you choose something unique:

  1. AI That Predicts Which Job Roles Will Become Obsolete in the Future
  2. Dynamic AI That Adjusts Online Ads Based on Real-Time User Emotions
  3. AI-Powered Legal Assistant That Predicts Case Outcomes Based on Past Rulings
  4. ML Model That Detects & Prevents Corporate Financial Fraud Before It Happens
  5. AI That Analyzes Customer Complaints & Suggests Business Improvements
  6. Personalized AI-Based Career Guidance System That Matches Skills with Emerging Job Markets
  7. AI That Predicts Construction Project Delays Based on Site Conditions & Past Data
  8. Self-Optimizing AI That Learns & Improves Its Own Neural Network Architecture
  9. ML Model That Predicts How a New Product Will Perform in the Market Before Launch
  10. AI That Detects & Flags Bias in AI Models
  11. Smart AI That Reconstructs Missing or Blurred Parts of Ancient Texts & Manuscripts
  12. AI-Powered Personalized Stock Market Trading Assistant
  13. AI That Learns Individual Sleep Patterns & Creates a Perfect Sleep Schedule
  14. Neural Network That Converts Brainwave Data (EEG) into Usable Text or Commands
  15. AI That Predicts & Prevents Mass Misinformation Campaigns Before They Spread

Final-year projects need to stand out. Capstone project writing service EssayPro makes sure yours does.

Unique Machine Learning Projects Ideas

Tired of the same old predict house prices or classify images of cats and dogs projects? If you want to build something truly original, you need something people haven’t seen a hundred times before:

  1. AI That Turns Doodles into Realistic Art Styles
  2. Smart AI That Writes Personalized Wedding Vows or Love Letters Based on Personality Data
  3. AI That Predicts Which Books Will Become Bestsellers Before They’re Released
  4. ML Model That Analyzes People’s Walking Patterns & Detects Health Risks
  5. AI-Powered Personal Stylist That Suggests Outfits Based on Mood & Weather
  6. Self-Learning AI That Generates New, Never-Seen-Before Board Game Rules
  7. ML-Powered Plant Care Assistant That Diagnoses Plant Health & Recommends Fixes
  8. AI That Generates Fake Yet Convincing Tourist Reviews to Test Online Security Systems
  9. ML System That Detects Fake Handwritten Signatures with High Accuracy
  10. AI That Predicts When Someone Will Quit a Job Based on Work Patterns & Emails
  11. Music Composer AI That Creates Songs in Your Favorite Artist’s Style
  12. AI That Reads Recipes & Generates a Shopping List with Exact Quantities
  13. ML Model That Predicts People’s Favorite Ice Cream Flavor Based on Social Media Likes
  14. AI That Detects Hidden Messages in Old Paintings Using Image Recognition
  15. Smart AI That Builds Personalized Workout Routines Based on Fitness Progress

Fun Ideas for Machine Learning Projects

Not every machine learning project has to be about predicting stock prices or solving serious global problems. Sometimes, you just want to build something cool and totally unexpected:

  1. AI That Roasts You Based on Your Tweets
  2. Cartoonify Yourself Using AI
  3. AI That Composes a Lullaby Using Your Name as a Musical Seed
  4. ML Model That Predicts the Perfect Meme Format for Your Text Input
  5. AI That Creates New Emojis Based on Your Facial Expressions
  6. Can AI Guess Your Age Based on How You Type?
  7. AI That Analyzes Your Spotify Playlist & Tells You What It Says About You
  8. ML Model That Generates Completely New, Never-Before-Seen Superheroes
  9. AI-Powered Jokes Generator That Learns Your Sense of Humor Over Time
  10. AI That Suggests the Best Netflix Show Based on Your Mood & Viewing History
  11. AI That Figures Out Your Hogwarts House Based on Your Social Media Posts
  12. ML-Powered Karaoke Assistant That Tells You If You’re Hitting the Right Notes
  13. AI That Creates Unique, Personalized Pick-Up Lines Based on Your Interests
  14. AI That Generates the Perfect Fantasy Character Name for Your Next RPG
  15. AI vs Human Writing – Who Writes Better?

Simple Ideas for Machine Learning Projects

Whether you're a beginner looking to practice or just want an easy ML project that actually works, these simple machine learning projects will get you hands-on experience without the frustration:

  1. AI That Predicts Whether a Message is Spam or Not
  2. ML Model That Suggests Better Subject Lines for Emails
  3. AI That Sorts Your Photos by Mood (Happy, Sad, Funny, etc.)
  4. Basic Sentiment Analysis Tool That Analyzes Book or Movie Reviews
  5. AI That Predicts the Best Time to Post on Social Media for Engagement
  6. Simple AI That Recommends Podcasts Based on Past Listening Habits
  7. ML Model That Organizes Your Files Based on Content Type
  8. AI That Suggests Playlist Names Based on Songs You Add
  9. AI That Rates the Readability of a Text (Is It Too Complex or Too Simple?)
  10. Basic ML Model That Predicts How Long a Task Will Take Based on Past Data
  11. AI That Analyzes Weather Data & Suggests the Best Outfit for the Day
  12. Simple ML-Based Task Prioritizer That Helps Organize To-Do Lists
  13. AI That Detects Duplicate Contacts in Your Phonebook
  14. Basic AI That Automatically Tags Your Friends in Photos Using Face Recognition
  15. Simple AI That Predicts Battery Drain Based on Your Phone Usage Patterns

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How to Start a Machine Learning Project?

Starting a machine learning project can feel overwhelming, as so many ways things can go wrong. But it doesn’t have to be complicated. The key is to start smart and pick a project that’s doable. Here’s how to go from "I should build something" to "Wow, my ML model actually works!"

Step 1: Pick a Problem That Excites You

Forget boring datasets. Choose a problem you care about — something that makes you curious. Love music? Work with song lyrics. Into gaming? Build a model that predicts player behavior. Machine learning is way more fun when you enjoy what you're working on.

Step 2: Find the Right Dataset (or Make Your Own)

No data, no project. Find a dataset that’s clean and relevant. Websites like Kaggle, Google Dataset Search, and UCI Machine Learning Repository are goldmines. If you can’t find the perfect dataset, collect your own: scrape a website, use APIs, or manually label data.

Step 3: Choose a Simple Model First

You don’t need deep learning for everything. Start with a basic algorithm like logistic regression, or k-nearest neighbors. If your model performs well, then consider fancier options like neural networks.

Step 4: Preprocess Like a Pro

Real-world data is messy — missing values, weird outliers, duplicates. Before you train anything, clean your data:

  • Handle missing values (fill, drop, or interpolate)
  • Normalize or scale features
  • Remove duplicates & irrelevant data

Step 5: Train, Test, and Fine-Tune

Make sure your model isn’t overfitting (memorizing training data instead of learning patterns).

Step 6: Build a Simple UI or Visualization

No one wants to see raw code. Make your project look good: build a simple dashboard, web app, or visualization. Even a basic Streamlit or Flask app makes your ML project way more impressive.

Step 7: Share It & Get Feedback

Post your project on GitHub, Medium, Kaggle, or LinkedIn. Getting feedback helps you improve, and showing your work makes you stand out (especially if you’re job-hunting).

Too much on your plate? Just pay someone to do my project and get it done right.

Keep It Simple, Build Something Cool

Picking a machine learning project doesn’t have to be a struggle. Just follow these steps:

  • Pick Something You Care About – If it bores you, you won’t finish it.
  • Find Solid Data – No good data = no good project. Check Kaggle, UCI, or scrape your own.
  • Start Small, Scale Later – Begin with a simple model, then improve.
  • Make It Look Good – A small UI or visualization makes your project stand out.
  • Share Your Work – Post it on GitHub or LinkedIn to get noticed.

Need help? EssayPro has expert writers for research, reports, and writing, so you can focus on building, not stressing. 

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November 1, 2024
Eye of the Tiger gonna help me pass calc? Sure, I’ll give it a shot but not holding my breath here 💀
October 30, 2024
Nice choice of songs! I know almost all of them and the playlist for studying is epic! Florence and the Machine - Dog Days Are Over is a cray cray :)
October 30, 2024
Absolutely loving this playlist! 🎧 Big thanks for putting this together – totally recommend this to anyone needing that extra motivation boost! 🙌
October 30, 2024
The song that motivates me the most is MÅNESKIN - Honey!
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Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

What was changed:

Coursera. (n.d.). Machine Learning Projects: 8 Ideas to Get You Started. Coursera.

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