Free citation machines

Experience the magic of easy citations by using our generator

Our free citation generator is an automatic tool offering unmatched convenience and affordability for quick citation creation.

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Instant citation generator

Discover, reference, and make citations with just a couple of clicks. No more tedious page-loading or frustrating crashes experienced with other citation makers. Our streamlined citation generator help ensures a hassle-free experience, empowering you to create citations swiftly without the need to start over.

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Amplify your experience with the autosave feature of our citation machine

Unlock the power of multiple citations with ease! Our online citation generator allows you to generate more than one citation simultaneously. Each time you create a new citation, our automated citation machine saves it to the general list. Enjoy seamless organization and easy access, eliminating redundant work with the help of our citation maker.

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Easily switch up your format with a single click

Switching from MLA to APA format? With our free citation generator, it's as easy as a single drop-down selection. Just choose the desired style from the drop-down menu on our citation maker and watch as all your citations seamlessly transform to the new format automatically. Simplify your formatting transition with our citation machine.

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Customize and tweak with our citation machine

Upgrade your citations with simple customization! Make changes, add new sources, or update usage details with a few keystrokes or simple clicks. Our citation generators ensure a seamless and user-friendly experience. Use citation machine and unlock the potential of hassle-free academics.

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The go-to citation styles

Need help with referencing? Give our citation builder a try! It's the fastest and simplest method to reference any source in any citation style. Our citation generator defaults to Bluebook format but supports other widely-used styles. Whether you need APA, Chicago, or any other style, we've got you covered.

Bluebook format example

2B James Hadley Chase & John S. Michaels
Criminal Court Procedure § 34
(2d ed. 2011)

The Bluebook citation format is a widely used referencing style primarily employed in legal writing and academia. It provides detailed rules for citing legal sources, such as cases, statutes, and legal journals. The Bluebook format ensures consistency and precision in legal citations, facilitating accurate referencing within the legal field.

APA format example

Salinger, J. D.
The catcher in the rye.
Little, Brown and Company.

The APA citation format is a widely recognized style used in social sciences, education, and psychology. It provides guidelines for citing sources in academic papers, including in-text citations and reference lists. APA format emphasizes clarity, conciseness, and proper attribution of ideas, enabling readers to easily locate and verify the sources cited in a document.

Chicago format example

Corey, James S. A.
Leviathan Wakes.
City of publication: Publisher
New York: Orbit US.

The Chicago citation format is widely used in history, business, and fine arts disciplines. It provides comprehensive guidelines for citing sources, including books, articles, and online materials. The Chicago style offers two citation systems: author-date and notes-bibliography. It emphasizes thoroughness, accuracy, and consistency in referencing, allowing for detailed citations and robust bibliographic information.

MLA format example

Corey, James S. A.
Leviathan Wakes.
Orbit US,

The MLA citation format is commonly used in humanities disciplines, such as literature, arts, and languages. It offers guidelines for citing sources in academic papers, encompassing both in-text citations and the Works Cited page. MLA format prioritizes clear attribution, uniformity, and accessibility of information, ensuring proper documentation of sources in scholarly writing.

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Frequently asked questions

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What's the outcome of using your generator?

The citation maker simplifies the process of generating references by providing two essential components: an in-text citation and a full reference. With the chosen citation style in mind, the citation machine automatically generates the appropriate formatting for your works cited list or bibliography. For instance, if you opt for a parenthetical style, the citation generator will create an in-text citation enclosed in parentheses, along with a comprehensive reference for inclusion in your bibliography. Similarly, when using a footnote style, the citation generator will produce a fully-formatted reference for your reference page and bibliography, accompanied by a corresponding footnote to be placed at the bottom of the page, containing the relevant source information.

Parenthetical referencing example:

In-text example:

"A nation has been defined as an imagined community" (Anderson, 2006).*

Alternative format: Anderson (2006) defined a nation as an imagined community.

*While the citation machine generates references in the first style, it is advisable to modify them if the author's name is already mentioned in the text.

Our citation maker offers a streamlined and convenient solution for creating accurate references, enhancing the credibility and professionalism of your work.

Why should I cite?

Referencing, in essence, involves acknowledging and citing the sources utilized in essays, articles, research papers, conferences, and similar works. It is a way of giving due credit to the original creators when their contributions are incorporated into your own work.

Any factual information or ideas borrowed from external sources must be acknowledged through referencing, except in cases where the information is common knowledge, such as President Kennedy's assassination in 1963. Failing to credit all your sources, even if you have paraphrased or rephrased the information, constitutes plagiarism. Plagiarism carries serious consequences, ranging from a deduction in points on an assignment to expulsion from your educational institution.

Moreover, attributing your research to its sources enhances the credibility and authority of your work. It not only supports your own ideas but also demonstrates the breadth of your research. While referencing may seem daunting and confusing to many students, it is an essential aspect to master in order to enhance the quality of your work. Fortunately, tools like these make the process of creating accurate references easier than ever before, allowing you to dedicate more time to excel in your studies.

To summarize, the referencing process serves 3 primary functions:

  • Validation. By providing directions to reliable sources that support and verify your statements and conclusions, referencing validates the content of your work.
  • Accessibility. Referencing helps your readers locate, read, and verify your sources, establishing their contribution to your work.
  • Acknowledgment. Referencing gives credit to the original authors, preventing intellectual property theft, commonly known as "plagiarism" in academic settings.

Which referencing style is right for me?

The answer to your question isn't so simple. Citation styles vary depending on your field of study and your professor's instructions. MLA format is commonly employed in the liberal arts and humanities, while APA format is used in the sciences and education. Chicago style is often favored for history, business, and fine arts, although MLA or Chicago can be suitable for other humanities subjects like literature and theater. Typically, undergraduate-level humanities work leans towards MLA format, while Chicago style is more prevalent in graduate-level assignments. Be sure to indicate the correct style for our citation machine and citations for free in seconds.

Crucial citation rules

To successfully cite sources without feeling overwhelmed, it's essential to follow a few key rules that apply across any citation style.

Maintain source organization. It's crucial to keep track of which information originates from each source. By establishing clear connections, you can save yourself time and frustration.

Note the relevant details. When citing a book or any source, be mindful of the specific page number(s) from which you gathered information. Most citation styles require this information. By recording it during your research phase, you avoid the stress of scouring through pages later on.

Familiarize yourself with the citation style. Take the time to understand the specific citation style you are using. Read the manual and use our generator to validate your in-text and full citations.

Stay updated. Verify that your citations are correct and that any resources or tools you rely on are up-to-date with the latest editions of the citation style manual.

By adhering to these overarching rules and being diligent in your approach to citations, you can streamline the process and avoid unnecessary stress while maintaining accuracy in your referencing efforts.

The significance of citations

Understanding and utilizing citations is a valuable investment of your time for several compelling reasons:

  • Facilitating engagement. Citations enable others to easily locate the sources you referenced, fostering more active participation within your reading or research community. It promotes the exchange of ideas and encourages further exploration of relevant topics.
  • Properly crediting others. By including citations, you give appropriate recognition to the individuals whose ideas inspired or assisted you during the writing process. It demonstrates intellectual honesty and respects the intellectual property of others.
  • Building credibility. Citations enhance the credibility of your ideas and arguments by showcasing the presence of external support and interest in your chosen subject. It adds weight to your work and reinforces the validity of your research.
  • Avoiding plagiarism. Accurately citing sources significantly reduces the risk of unintentionally plagiarizing another author's work. Plagiarism carries severe consequences, and by using citations effectively, you demonstrate your commitment to academic integrity.
  • Demonstrating expertise. Incorporating citations reveals your familiarity with the subject matter and indicates that you have invested effort in understanding existing research.

By embracing citations, you not only contribute to the scholarly community but also establish yourself as a diligent and credible researcher or writer.

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