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How To Format An Essay Like A Professional

mla, apa, asa

Essay formatting is the crucial element that holds together the details of academic texts, ensuring that readers can quickly identify and assimilate any key points they contain. Yes, academic essays are meant to convey the writer's main argument about a topic by compiling and presenting information, supporting or refuting the topic being discussed. However, academic writing requires more than carefully compiling key points related to the topic. The use of a proper college essay format is an essential framework to support your ideas and prevent them from crumbling.

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What is Essay Format and Why Is It Important?

The essay format is a framework that shows you how to structure your content. This framework ties directly to how the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion of the research paper are written. That's not all. Essay formatting guidelines also relate to other aspects of the document, such as font style, citation style, and spacing. Our professional writers are ready to help you, so just leave us a notice -  write a research paper for me, and we will get your task done asap.

While it may seem more convenient to write your research or dissertation paper without any strict guidelines, there are several key reasons why these formatting styles are adopted.

These reasons include:

  • An essay that follows correct formatting guidelines is easier to read and navigate. You'll be able to easily identify different parts of the text and spot key information at a glance.
  • yThe use of essay formatting also displays some level of professionalism and respect for academic standards. A good way to identify the best dissertation services is to check how much attention they pay to formatting styles.
  • Essay formats also ensure that the multiple parts of the text are consistently arranged and clear to each reader.
  • When the introduction, main body, and conclusion of an essay are written in the correct format, they create a strong first impression in the mind of the thesis examiner or supervisor.

Now, it's clear you must pay attention to the format applied to the paragraphs of your entire essay. But what are the widely acceptable formatting guidelines used worldwide? Which of them to use in an argumentative essay structure? Keep reading to learn how to write your next research paper in Chicago style, MLA and APA format.

Essay Format Structure

Be it an academic, informative or a specific extended essay - structure is essential. For example, the IB extended essay has very strict requirements that are followed by an assigned academic style of writing (primarily MLA, APA, or Chicago):

Section 📄 Details 📝
🏷️ Title Page Includes the essay's title and author information
📑 Abstract Consists of 3 paragraphs totaling about 300 words, outlining the essay's key elements
🗂️ Table of Contents Lists all sections with page numbers
📖 Introduction Introduces the essay's topic and significance
📄 Body Contains the main text organized into sections including paragraphs on the research question, thesis, and scope of research
🔚 Conclusion Summarizes the findings and restates the thesis
📚 Bibliography/Works Cited Lists all the references and sources cited in the essay

This outline format for an extended essay is a great example to follow when writing a research essay, and sustaining a proper research essay format - especially if it is based on the MLA guidelines. It is vital to remember that the student must keep track of their resources to apply them to each step outlined above easily.

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How to Format an Essay: Simple Explanation

Before we go into details on each formatting guideline, let's break down the components of a typical essay format. You'll learn what each aspect of the essay is meant to contain and how to write them.

A typical essay format is broken into four main parts or sections: introduction, body, conclusion, and references or citations. This simple format will teach you how to organize your ideas. However, it's worth noting that each formatting guideline that will be later discussed affects these sections differently. You'll need to learn how to write an essay introduction, body, conclusion, and references to determine which suits you best.

MLA Format Essay (Modern Language Association)

The MLA format is one of the most widely used standards by scholars and academic writers worldwide. But what is MLA format for an essay? This essay format is designed to support scholarly text and research in the field of literature and humanities. Its features cater to the needs of these disciplines, emphasizing clear presentation, accurate attribution of sources, and structured argumentation.

MLA format

The following table shows how you are expected to structure your text when writing in MLA format:

📌 Element 📋 Format
✍️ Line Spacing All papers should have double spacing, including block quotations and references or works cited pages. Do not add extra spaces anywhere, even between paragraphs.
📄 Page Size 8.5 inch x 11 inch
🔠 Font Arial, Times New Roman, or Helvetica, 12pt
📏 Margin One-inch margin all over
🔢 Page Number Upper right-hand corner
❗ Punctuation Marks Place punctuation marks like full stops, semicolons, and commas after parenthetical citations.
📃 Page Header The essay should have a running head aligned to the right on each page, along with the author's surname and page number. If you'll be submitting an assignment, ensure the header on the front page reflects the author's name, mentor's name, course number, submission date.
🔗 In-text Citation This formatting guideline relies on in-text or parenthetical citations with the author's last name and page number to ensure minimal disruption to the text flow, which is crucial for close textual analysis.
📚 Works Cited Page MLA format requires a detailed and standardized Works Cited page, which highlights the authors and sources of inspiration or critique.

Essay in MLA Format Example

Digital Technology and Health
Digital Technology and Health

APA Essay Format (American Psychological Association)

The APA format is widely used for research papers on topics such as education, psychology, and social science. One of the benefits of using this formatting is that it has a consistent structure that allows readers to focus on the content of the essay. This clear citation system ensures that all sources are properly accounted for, eliminating any form of plagiarism. This formatting also focuses on core elements like methodology, results, and data analysis to ensure that all information in the text is presented accordingly.

APA format

The key elements of the APA format include:

📌 Element 📋 Format
📝 Author-Date In-Text Citation System State the year of the source in brackets after the author's surname (e.g., James, 1980).
📚 References All references are listed alphabetically.
📄 Title Page Place the title at the centre of the title page 3 or 4 lines from the top of the page. Bold all letters and write them in upper and lower case.
📏 Line Spacing Double space
📏 Page Size 8.5" × 11"
🔠 Font Size Times New Roman, 12pt
🔳 Margins 1 inch all round
🔢 Headers Headers should be placed in the upper left corner.
📑 Page Numbering The page number is placed in the upper right-hand corner.
🖋️ Paragraphs Indented
❗ Punctuation Leave a space after punctuation marks.

If you ask yourself how to format an essay, you can always turn to us and request to write or rewrite essay in APA format if you find it difficult or don't have time.

Note that some teachers and professors may request deviations from some of the characteristics that the APA format originally requires, such as those listed above.

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Essay in APA Format Example



APA and MLA are two of the most popular types of formatting used worldwide. While both determine the way the content is organized, they possess distinct differences. The APA format is used mainly for topics in the literature and humanities discipline, while the MLA format is used for topics in education, psychology and social sciences.

Here's a breakdown of how each of these styles differ from each other:

  • In-text citation: AWhen using MLA style, place the last name of the author and page number in parentheses but when using APA format, insert the last name of the author, a comma, the publishing year, a comma, and a “p.” and the page number.
  • Bibliography: The bibliography section of an MLA-styled text is referred to as Works Cited Page. The authors and titles listed in this section of the text are listed alphabetically. When citing multiple works from the same author, list all the works alphabetically and state the author's name once. Subsequent works are listed with three hyphens: a period, a space, the name of the title, and a period. The bibliography section of an APA-styled text is called 'References.' APA style requires that authors are listed alphabetically and their works chronologically. When citing multiple works from the same author list them chronologically, but include the author's name in all listings.
  • Title of Articles: For MLA-styled text, place the title of the text in quotation marks and capitalize all major words. On the other hand, APA format only requires the first word to be capitalized.
  • Spacing: MLA style requires double spacing in the header and body, while APA requires double spacing on the title page and body.

Chicago Style Essay Format

The Chicago Style Essay Format is widely used in history, legal, social sciences and humanities fields.

Chicago format

One of the best reasons to use this formatting is that it easily caters to a variety of disciplines. It also complies with professional publishing standards. The following are the key elements of the Chicago style essay format:

📌 Element 📋 Format
✍️ Line Spacing Double space
🔠 Font Size Times New Roman, 12pt
📏 Margins One-inch margin all round
🔢 Page Numbering Placed in the heading of every page in the top right-hand corner. The cover page is not counted.
📃 Headings Author surname and page number should be in the header of every page. Place your name right under the title and keep the title in the center in the middle of the page.
🖋️ Indentation 1/2" indent for paragraph beginnings, block quotes, and hanging (bibliography) indents.
📚 References References are started on a new page and titled Bibliography. Use hanging indent for the first line of the citation other lines are indented.

Chicago Essay Format Example

The Impact of Climate Change
The Impact of Climate Change

Other Essay Formats

While the APA, MLA and Chicago style essay format are some of the most popular formatting styles used worldwide, there are other formats that can still be applied to literary texts. That's where the IEEE and AMA format come in.

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

The IEEE format is widely used in engineering, computer science, and technology research. It features numbered in-text citations linked to a reference list, ensuring precision. The advantages of this style include clear citation of technical sources, conciseness, compatibility with research publications and conferences, and promoting consistency in presenting technical and scientific findings globally.

American Medical Association (AMA)

The AMA (American Medical Association) format is primarily used in medicine, health sciences, and biological research. It employs superscript numbers for in-text citations linked to a numbered reference list. Advantages include concise citation, a focus on evidence-based content, and standardization for medical journals, ensuring credibility and facilitating accurate referencing in scientific communication.

General Formatting Guidelines

📌 Element 📋 Format
🔠 Font Arial, Times New Roman, Calibri, and Helvetica, 12pt
📏 Spacing Double spacing
🔳 Margins 1-inch margins all round
🔢 Page Number Placed at the top right-hand corner
📃 Headers and Footers Place headers at the top of every page or on the first page only, depending on the style in question. Place footers at the bottom of every page or on the last page, depending on the style.

Sum Up

Learning to format your essay using any of the popular styles such as APA, MLA and Chicago style format will give your research paper a facelift. While each format has its own rules, adhering to them will help you present your ideas with clarity, consistency, and credibility. These formats can be applied to different texts, including a research paper, a thesis, or an essay for class. When you choose to follow any of these formats closely, you not only demonstrate your attention to detail but also respect the academic conventions that make your work easier to understand and evaluate.


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October 30, 2024
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October 30, 2024
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Adam Jason

Adam Jason

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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