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Compare and Contrast Essay: Full Writing Guide and 150+ Topics

compare and contrast essay

Compare and contrast essays are academic papers in which a student analyses two or more subjects with each other. To compare means to explore similarities between subjects, while to contrast means to look at their differences. Both subjects of the comparison are usually in the same category, although they have their differences. For example, it can be two movies, two universities, two cars etc.

Strong compare and contrast papers from college essay writing services emphasize a central point, highlighting its significance and the insights gained from the analysis. A compare and contrast essay thesis must make a meaningful comparison. Find the central theme of your essay and do some brainstorming for your thesis.

This type of essay is very common among college and university students. Professors challenge their students to use their analytical and comparative skills and pay close attention to the subjects of their comparisons. This type of essay exercises observance and analysis, helps to establish a frame of reference, and makes meaningful arguments about a subject. Let's get deeper on how to write a compare and contrast essay with our research writing services.

How to Start a Compare and Contrast Essay: Brainstorm Similarities and Differences

Now that you know what is compare and contrast essay and are set with your topic, the first thing you should do is grab a piece of paper and make a list with two columns: similarities and differences. Jot down key things first, the most striking ones. Then try to look at the subjects from a different angle, incorporating your imagination.

If you are more of a visual learner, creating a Venn diagram might be a good idea. In order to create it, draw two circles that overlap. In the section where it overlaps, note similarities. Differences should be written in the part of the circle that does not overlap.

Let’s look at a simple example of compare and contrast essay. Let one of the subjects be oranges, and the other one be apples. Oranges have thick peel, originally from India, and are tropical fruit. These characteristics pertain only to oranges and should be in the part of the circle that does not overlap. For the same section on apples, we put thin peel, originated in Turkey or Kazakhstan, and moderate to subtropical. In the section that overlaps, let’s say that they are both fruit, can be juiced, and grow on trees. This simple, yet good example illustrates how the same concept can be applied to many other complicated topics with additional points of comparison and contrast.

Example of compare and contrast

This format of visual aid helps to organize similarities and differences and make them easier to perceive. Your diagram will give you a clear idea of the things you can write about.

Another good idea for brainstorming in preparation for your comparison contrast essay is to create a list with 2 columns, one for each subject, and compare the same characteristics for each of them simultaneously. This compare and contrast format will make writing your comparison contrast paper argument a breeze, as you will have your ideas ready and organized.

One mistake you should avoid is simply listing all of the differences or similarities for each subject. Sometimes students get too caught up in looking for similarities and differences that their compare and contrast essays end up sounding like grocery lists. Your essay should be based on analyzing the similarities and differences, analyzing your conclusions about the two subjects, and finding connections between them—while following a specific format.

Compare and Contrast Essay Structure and Outline

So, how do you structure this compare and contrast paper? Well, since compare and contrast essay examples rely heavily on factual analysis, there are two outline methods that can help you organize your facts. You can use the block method, or point-by-point method, to write a compare and contrast essay outline.

While using the block structure of a compare and contrast essay, all the information is presented for the first subject, and its characteristics and specific details are explained. This concludes one block. The second block takes the same approach as the first for the second subject.

The point-by-point structure lists each similarity and difference simultaneously—making notes of both subjects. For example, you can list a characteristic specific to one subject, followed by its similarity or difference to the other subject.

Both formats have their pros and cons. The block method is clearly easier for a compare and contrast essay writer, as you simply point out all of the information about the two subjects, and basically leave it to the reader to do the comparison. The point-by-point format requires you to analyze the points yourself while making similarities and differences more explicit to the reader for them to be easier to understand. Here is a detailed structure of each type presented below.

Point-by-Point Method


  • Introduce the topic;
  • Specify your theme;
  • Present your thesis - cover all areas of the essay in one sentence.
Example thesis: Cars and motorcycles make for excellent means of transportation, but a good choice depends on the person’s lifestyle, finances, and the city they live in.

Body Paragraph 1 - LIFESTYLE

  • Topic Sentence: Motorcycles impact the owner’s lifestyle less than cars.
  • Topic 1 - Motorcycles
  • Argument: Motorcycles are smaller and more comfortable to store.
  • Argument: Motorcycles are easy to learn and use.
  • Topic 2 - Cars
  • Argument: Cars are a big deal - they are like a second home.
  • Argument: It takes time to learn to become a good driver.

Body Paragraph 2 - FINANCES

  • Topic sentence: Cars are much more expensive than motorcycles
  • Topic 1 - Motorcycles
  • Argument: You can buy a good motorcycle for under 300$.
  • Argument: Fewer parts that are more accessible to fix.
  • Topic 2 - Cars
  • Argument: Parts and service are expensive if something breaks.
  • Argument: Cars need more gas than motorcycles.

Body Paragraph 3 - CITY

  • Topic sentence: Cars are a better option for bigger cities with wider roads.
  • Topic 1 - Motorcycles
  • Argument: Riding motorcycles in a big city is more dangerous than with cars.
  • Argument: Motorcycles work great in a city like Rome, where all the streets are narrow.
  • Topic 2 - Cars
  • Argument: Big cities are easier and more comfortable to navigate by car.
  • Argument: With a car, traveling outside of the city is much easier.


  • Sum up all you wrote in the article.

Block Method


  • Introduce the topic;
  • Specify your theme;
  • Thesis — cover all areas of the essay in one sentence
Example thesis: Cars and motorcycles make for excellent means of transportation, but a good choice depends on the person’s lifestyle, finances, and the city they live in.

Body Paragraph 1

  • Topic Sentence: Motorcycles are cheaper and easier to take care of than cars.
  • Aspect 1 - Lifestyle
  • Argument: Motorcycles are smaller and more comfortable to store.
  • Argument: Motorcycles are easy to learn and use.
  • Aspect 2 - Finances
  • Argument: You can buy a good motorcycle for under 300$.
  • Argument: Fewer parts, easier to fix.
  • Aspect 3 - City
  • Argument: Riding motorcycles in a big city is more dangerous than cars.
  • Argument: Motorcycles work great in a city like Rome, where all the streets are narrow.

Body Paragraph 2

  • Topic sentence: Cars are more expensive but more comfortable for a big city and for travelling.
  • Aspect 1 - Lifestyle
  • Argument: Cars are a big deal—like a second home.
  • Argument: It takes time to learn to become a good driver.
  • Aspect 2 - Finances
  • Argument: Parts and service are expensive if something breaks.
  • Argument: Cars need more gas than motorcycles.
  • Aspect 3 - City
  • Argument: Big cities are easier and more comfortable to navigate by car.
  • Argument: With a car, traveling outside the city is much more comfortable.

Body Paragraph 3

Use the last paragraph to evaluate the comparisons and explain why they’re essential. Giving a lot of facts can be intense. To water it down, try to give the reader any real-life applications of these facts.

Depending on the structure selected, you can begin to create an outline for your essay. The typical comparison essay follows the format of having an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion — though, if you need to focus on each subject in more detailed ways, feel free to include an extra paragraph to cover all of the most important points.

To make your compare and contrast essay flow better, we recommend using special transition words and phrases. They will add variety and improve your paper overall.

For the section where you compare two subjects, you can include any of the following words: similarly, likewise, also, both, just like, similar to, the same as, alike, or to compare to. When contrasting two subjects, use: in contrast, in comparison, by comparison, on the other hand, while, whereas, but, to differ from, dissimilar to, or unlike.

Show Your Evidence

Arguments for any essay, including compare and contrast essays, need to be supported by sufficient evidence. Make good use of your personal experiences, books, scholarly articles, magazine and newspaper articles, movies, or anything that will make your argument sound credible. For example, in your essay, if you were to compare attending college on campus vs. distance-based learning, you could include your personal experiences of being a student, and how often students show up to class on a daily basis. You could also talk about your experience taking online classes, which makes your argument about online classes credible as well.

Helpful Final Tips

The biggest tip dissertation writing services can give you is to have the right attitude when writing a compare contrast essay, and actively engage the reader in the discussion. If you find it interesting, so will your reader! Here are some more compare and contrast essay tips that will help you to polish yours up:

types of writing
  • Compare and contrast essays need powerful transitions. Try learning more about writing transition sentences using the words we provided for you in the 'Compare and Contrast Structure and Outline' section.
  • Always clarify the concepts you introduce in your essay. Always explain lesser known information—don’t assume the reader must already know it.
  • Do not forget to proofread. Small mistakes, but in high quantities, can result in a low grade. Pay attention to your grammar and punctuation.
  • Have a friend or family member take a look at your essay; they may notice things you have missed.

Compare and Contrast Essay Examples

Now that you know everything there is to know about compare and contrast essays, let’s take a look at some compare and contrast examples to get you started on your paper or get a hand from our essay helper.

1. Comparison Between the United Kingdom and China
1. Comparison Between the United Kingdom and China
Different countries across the world have diverse cultural practices, and this has an effect on work relationships and development. Geert Hofstede came up with a structured way of comparing cultural dimensions of different countries. The theory explains the impacts of a community’s culture on the values of the community members, and the way these values relate to their behaviors. He gives scores as a way to help distinguish people from different nations using the following dimensions: long-term orientation, individualism, power distance, indulgence, necessity avoidance, and masculinity. Let us examine comparisons between two countries: the United Kingdom and China — based on Hofstede’s Six Dimensions of Culture.
2. Organic and Non-Organic Foods
2. Organic and Non-Organic Foods
Over the last two decades, the demand from consumers for organic foods has increased tremendously. In fact, the popularity of organic foods has exploded significantly with consumers, spending a considerably higher amount of money on them as compared to the amount spent on inorganic foods. The US market noted an increase in sales of more than 10% between 2014 and 2015 (Brown, n.p). The increase is in line with the views of many consumers that organic foods are safer, tastier, and healthier compared to the inorganic foods. Furthermore, considering the environmental effects of foods, organic foods present less risk of environmental pollution — compared to inorganic foods. By definition, organic foods are those that are grown without any artificial chemical treatment, or treatment by use of other substances that have been modified genetically, such as hormones and/or antibiotics (Brown, n.p).

Still feeling confused about the complexities of the compare and contrast essay? Feel free to contact our paper writing service to get a professional writing help.

Finding the Best Compare and Contrast Essay Topics For You

When choosing a topic for your comparison essay, remember that subjects cannot be drastically different, because there would be little to no points of comparison (similarities). The same goes for too many similarities, which will result in poor contrasts. For example, it is better to write about two composers, rather than a composer and a singer.

It is extremely important to choose a topic you are passionate about. You never want to come across something that seems dull and uninspiring for you. Here are some excellent ways to brainstorm for a topic from essay writer:

  • Find categories: Choose a type (like animals, films or economics), and compare subjects within that category – wild animals to farm animals, Star Wars to Star Trek, private companies to public companies, etc.
  • Random Surprising Fact: Dig for fun facts which could make great topics. Did you know that chickens can be traced back to dinosaurs?
  • Movie vs. Book: Most of the time, the book is better than the movie — unless it’s Blade Runner or Lord of the Rings. If you’re a pop culture lover, compare movies vs. books, video games, comics, etc.

Use our rewrite essay service when you need help from professionals.

How to Choose a Great Compare and Contrast Topic

College students should consider providing themselves with a chance to use all topic examples. With enough revision, an advantage is gained. As it will be possible to compare arguments and contrast their aspects. Also, discuss numerous situations to get closer to the conclusion.

For example:

  1. Choose a topic from the field of your interests. Otherwise you risk failing your paper.
  2. It is a good idea to choose a topic based upon the class subject or specialist subject. (Unless the requirements say otherwise.)
  3. Analyze each argument carefully. Include every detail for each opposing idea. Without doing so, you can definitely lower grades.
  4. Write a conclusion that summarizes both arguments. It should allow readers to find the answer they’re looking for.
  5. It is up to you to determine which arguments are right and wrong in the final conclusion.
  6. Before approaching the final conclusion, it’s important to discuss each argument equally. It is a bad idea to be biased, as it can also lower grades.
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150 Compare and Contrast Essay Topics to Consider

Choosing a topic can be a challenging task, but there are plenty of options to consider. In the following sections, we have compiled a list of 150 compare and contrast essay topics to help you get started. These topics cover a wide range of subjects, from education and technology to history and politics. Whether you are a high school student or a college student, you are sure to find a topic that interests you. So, read on to discover some great compare and contrast essay ideas.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics For College Students

When attending a college, at any time your professor can assign you the task of writing this form of an essay. Consider these topics for college students from our team to get the grades you deserve.

  1. Attending a College Course Vs. Distance-Based Learning.
  2. Writing a Research Paper Vs. Writing a Creative Writing Paper. What are the differences and similarities?
  3. The differences between a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master’s Degree.
  4. The key aspects of the differences between the US and the UK education systems.
  5. Completing assignments at a library compared with doing so at home. Which is the most efficient?
  6. The similarities and differences in the behavior among married and unmarried couples.
  7. The similarities and differences between the EU (European Union) and ASEAN (The Association of Southeast Asian Nations)?
  8. The similarities and significant differences between American and Canadian English.
  9. Writing an Internship Report Vs. Writing a Research Paper
  10. The differences between US colleges and colleges in the EU?

Interesting Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Some topics for the compare and contrast essay format can be boring. To keep up motivation, doing a research, have a look at these topics. Maybe they can serve you as research paper help.

  1. Public Transport Vs. Driving A Car. Which is more efficient?
  2. Mandarin Vs. Cantonese: What are the differences between these Chinese languages?
  3. Sports Cars Vs. Luxurious Family Cars
  4. Wireless Technology Vs. Wired Devices
  5. Thai Food Vs. Filipino Cuisine
  6. What is the difference and similarities between a register office marriage and a traditional marriage?
  7. The 2000s Vs. The 2010s. What are the differences and what makes them similar?
  8. Abu Dhabi Vs. Dubai. What are the main factors involved in the differences?
  9. What are the differences between American and British culture?
  10. What does the New York Metro do differently to the London Underground?

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for High School Students

When writing essays for high school, it is good to keep them informative. Have a look at these compare and contrast sample topics.

  1. Highschool Life Vs. College Life
  2. Paying College Fees Vs. Being Awarded a Scholarship
  3. All Night Study Sessions Vs. Late Night Parties
  4. Teenager Vs. Young Adult Relationships
  5. Being in a Relationship Vs. Being Single
  6. Male Vs. Female Behavior
  7. The similarities and differences between a high school diploma and a college degree
  8. The similarities and differences between Economics and Business Studies
  9. The benefits of having a part-time job, instead of a freelance job, in college
  10. High School Extra Curricular Activities Vs. Voluntarily Community Services

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for Science

At some point, every science student will be assigned this type of essay. To keep things at flow, have a look at best compare and contrast essay example topics on science:

  1. Undiscovered Species on Earth Vs. Potential Life on Mars: What will we discover in the future?
  2. The benefits of Gasoline Powered Cars Vs. Electric Powered Cars
  3. The differences of the Milky Way Vs. Centaurus (Galaxies).
  4. Earthquakes Vs. Hurricanes: What should be prepared for the most?
  5. The differences between our moon and Mars’ moons.
  6. SpaceX Vs. NASA. What is done differently within these organizations?
  7. The differences and similarities between Stephen Hawking and Brian Cox’s theories on the cosmos. Do they agree or correspond with each other?
  8. Pregnancy Vs. Motherhood
  9. Jupiter Vs. Saturn
  10. Greenhouse Farming Vs. Polytunnel Farming

Sports & Leisure Topics

Studying Physical Education? Or a gym fanatic? Have a look at our compare and contrast essay topics for sports and leisure.

  1. The English Premier League Compared With The Bundesliga
  2. Real Madrid Vs. Barcelona
  3. Football Vs. Basketball
  4. Walking Vs. Eating Outside with Your Partner
  5. Jamaica Team Vs. United States Team: Main Factors and Differences
  6. Formula One Vs. Off-Road Racing
  7. Germany Team Vs. Brazil Team
  8. Morning Exercise Vs. Evening Exercise.
  9. Manning Team Vs. Brazil Team
  10. Swimming Vs. Cycling

Topics About Culture

Culture can have several meanings. If you’re a Religious Studies or Culture student, take a look at these good compare and contrast essay topics about culture.

  1. The fundamental similarities and differences between Pope Francis and Tawadros II of Alexandria
  2. Canadian Vs. Australian Religion
  3. The differences between Islamic and Christian Holidays
  4. The cultural similarities and differences between the Native Aboriginals and Caucasian Australians
  5. Native American Culture Vs. New England Culture
  6. The cultural differences and similarities between Italians and Sicilians
  7. In-depth: The origins of Buddhism and Hinduism
  8. In-depth: The origins of Christianity and Islam
  9. Greek Gods Vs. Hindu Gods
  10. The Bible: Old Testament Vs. New Testament

Unique Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

What about writing an essay which is out of the ordinary? Consider following these topics to write a compare and contrast essay on, that are unique.

  1. The reasons why some wealthy people pay extortionate amounts of money for gold-plated cell phones, rather than buying the normal phone.
  2. The differences between Lipton Tea and Ahmad Tea
  3. American Football Vs. British Football: What are their differences?
  4. The differences and similarities between France and Britain
  5. Fanta Vs. 7Up
  6. Traditional Helicopters Vs. Lifesize Drones
  7. The differences and similarities between Boston Dynamics and the fictional equivalent Skynet (From Terminator Movies).
  8. Socialism Vs. Capitalism: Which is better?
  9. Curved Screen TVs’ Vs. Regular Flat Screen TVs’: Are they really worth big bucks?
  10. Is it better to wear black or white at funerals?

Good Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Sometimes, it may be a requirement to take it back a notch. Especially if you’re new to these style of writing. Consider having a look at these good compare and contrast essay topics that are pretty easy to start off.

  1. Is it a good idea to work on weekdays or weekends?
  2. Black of White Coffee
  3. Becoming a teacher or a doctor? Which career choice has more of an impact on society?
  4. Air Travel Vs. Sea Travel: Which is better?
  5. Rail Travel Vs. Road Travel: Which is more convenient?
  6. What makes Europe far greater than Africa? In terms of financial growth, regulations, public funds, policies etc…
  7. Eating fruit for breakfast Vs. cereals
  8. Staying Home to Read Vs. Traveling the World During Holidays. Which is more beneficial for personal growth?
  9. Japanese Vs. Brazilian Cuisine
  10. What makes ASEAN Nations more efficient than African Nations?

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics About TV Shows, Music and Movies

We all enjoy at least one of these things. If not, all of them. Why not have a go at writing a compare and contrast essay about what you have been recently watching or listening to?

  1. Breaking Bad Vs. Better Call Saul: Which is more commonly binge watched?
  2. The differences between Dance Music and Heavy Metal
  3. James Bond Vs. Johnny English
  4. Iron Man Vs. The Incredible Hulk: Who would win?
  5. What is done differently in modern movies, compared to old black and white movies?
  6. Dumber and Dumber 2 Vs. Ted: Which movie is funnier?
  7. Are Horror movies or Action Movies best suited to you?
  8. The differences and similarities between Mozart and Beethoven compositions.
  9. Hip Hop Vs. Traditional Music
  10. Classical Music Vs. Pop Music. Which genre helps people concentrate?

Topics About Art

Sometimes, art students are required to write this style of essay. Have a look at these compare and contrast essay topics about the arts of the centuries.

  1. The fundamental differences and similarities between paintings and sculptures
  2. The different styles of Vincent Van Gogh and Leonardo Da Vinci.
  3. Viewing Original Art Compared With Digital Copies. How are these experiences different?
  4. 18th Century Paintings Vs. 21st Century Digitally Illustrated Images
  5. German Art Vs. American Art
  6. Modern Painting Vs. Modern Photography
  7. How can we compare modern graphic designers to 18th-century painters?
  8. Ancient Greek Art Vs. Ancient Egyptian Art
  9. Ancient Japanese Art Vs. Ancient Persian Art
  10. What 16th Century Painting Materials were used compared with the modern day?

Best Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Almost every student at any stage of academics is assigned this style of writing. If you’re lacking inspiration, consider looking at some of the best compare and contrast essay topics to get you on track with your writing.

  1. The United States and North Korea Governmental Conflict: What is the reason behind this phenomenon?
  2. In the Early Hours, Drinking Water is far healthier than consuming soda.
  3. The United States Vs. The People’s Republic of China: Which economy is the most efficient?
  4. Studying in Foreign Countries Vs. Studying In Your Hometown: Which is more of an advantage?
  5. Toast Vs. Cereal: Which is the most consumed in the morning?
  6. Sleeping Vs. Daydreaming: Which is the most commonly prefered? And amongst who?
  7. Learning French Vs. Chinese: Which is the most straightforward?
  8. Android Phones Vs. iPhones
  9. The Liberation of Slaves Vs. The Liberation of Women: Which is more remembered?
  10. The differences between the US Dollar and British Pound. What are their advantages? And How do they correspond with each other?

Easy Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

In all types of academics, these essays occur. If you’re new to this style of writing, check our easy compare and contrast essay topics.

  1. The Third Reich Vs. North Korea
  2. Tea Vs. Coffee
  3. iPhone Vs. Samsung
  4. KFC Vs. Wendy’s
  5. Laurel or Yanny?
  6. Healthy Lifestyle Vs. Obese Lifestyle
  7. Forkes Vs. Sporks
  8. Rice Vs. Porridge
  9. Roast Dinner Vs. Chicken & Mushroom Pie
  10. What’s the difference between apples and oranges?

Psychology Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Deciding upon good compare and contrast essay topics for psychology assignments can be difficult. Consider referring to our list of 10 psychology compare and contrast essay topics to help get the deserved grades.

  1. What is a more severe eating order? Bulimia or Anorexia
  2. Modern Medicine Vs. Traditional Medicine for Treating Depression?
  3. Soft Drugs Vs. Hard Drugs. Which is more dangerous for people’s psychological well-being?
  4. How do the differences between Lust and Love have an effect on people’s mindsets?
  5. Ego Vs. Superego
  6. Parents Advice Vs. Peers Advice amongst children and teens.
  7. Strict Parenting Vs. Relaxed Parenting
  8. Mental Institutions Vs. Stress Clinics
  9. Bipolar Disorder Vs. Epilepsy
  10. How does child abuse affect victims in later life?

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for Sixth Graders

From time to time, your teacher will assign the task of writing a compare and contrast essay. It can be hard to choose a topic, especially for beginners. Check out our easy compare and contrast essay topics for sixth graders.

  1. Exam Preparation Vs. Homework Assignments
  2. Homeschooling Vs. Public Education
  3. High School Vs. Elementary School
  4. 5th Grade Vs. 6th Grade: What makes them different or the same?
  5. Are Moms’ or Dads’ more strict among children?
  6. Is it better to have strict parents or more open parents?
  7. Sandy Beaches Vs. Pebble Beaches: Which beaches are more popular?
  8. Is it a good idea to learn guitar or piano?
  9. Is it better to eat vegetable salads or pieces of fruit for lunch?
  10. 1st Grade Vs. 6th Grade

Funny Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

Sometimes, it is good to have a laugh. As they always say : 'laughter is the best medicine'. Check out these funny compare and contrast essay topics for a little giggle when writing.

  1. What is the best way to waste your time? Watching Funny Animal Videos or Mr. Bean Clips?
  2. Are Pug Dogs or Maltese Dogs crazier?
  3. Pot Noodles Vs. McDonalds Meals.
  4. What is the difference between Peter Griffin and Homer Simpson?
  5. Mrs. Doubtfire Vs. Mrs. Brown. How are they similar?
  6. Which game is more addictive? Flappy Bird or Angry Birds?
  7. Big Shaq Vs. PSY
  8. Stewie Griffin Vs. Maggie Simpson
  9. Quarter Pounders Vs. Big Macs
  10. Mr. Bean Vs. Alan Harper

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November 1, 2024
Eye of the Tiger gonna help me pass calc? Sure, I’ll give it a shot but not holding my breath here 💀
October 30, 2024
Nice choice of songs! I know almost all of them and the playlist for studying is epic! Florence and the Machine - Dog Days Are Over is a cray cray :)
October 30, 2024
Absolutely loving this playlist! 🎧 Big thanks for putting this together – totally recommend this to anyone needing that extra motivation boost! 🙌
October 30, 2024
The song that motivates me the most is MÅNESKIN - Honey!
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Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

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