Dissertations can feel like daunting mountains of research and writing, but with a solid plan and helpful strategies, you can break it down into manageable steps.
This article will guide you through the dissertation process, from choosing a focused topic to making a clear argument, conducting effective research, structuring your chapters, and finally, polishing your writing to a professional shine.
What Is Dissertation
Dissertation is the capstone of a doctoral program, constituting an extended work of original research. Dissertations demand students demonstrate their mastery of independent inquiry by formulating a unique research question, meticulously conducting investigations, and critically analyzing the results to generate new knowledge and contribute meaningfully to advancing their specific academic discipline.
A dissertation is perhaps the most challenging writing assignment you’ve ever done, so meticulous preparation and perfect execution are obligatory. Use a dissertation assistance service to handle your capstone effectively.

Dissertation vs Thesis
Many students encounter the terms "dissertation" and "thesis" on their academic journeys, but their distinctions can be unclear. Let our expert essay writer peel back the layers for you to understand the key differences between thesis vs dissertation.
How Long Is a Dissertation
The length of a dissertation can vary depending on several factors, but here's a general breakdown:
- Word Count: Dissertations are typically book-length, ranging from 70,000 to 100,000 words.
- Page Count: This translates to roughly 100 to 200 pages, depending on formatting and field (fields with lots of equations or figures might be shorter).
However, it's important to remember these are just averages. Always consult your specific program's guidelines for how long is a dissertation supposed to be in your institution.
Read more: Topics for dissertation.

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Dissertation Structure
A well-structured dissertation is the foundation for a clear and compelling presentation of your research.
Read more: How to write an argumentative essay.
How to Write a Dissertation Step-by-Step
Now that you've grasped the dissertation's purpose and structure, let's continue with the practical steps of creating your treatise. This section will equip you with a writing process roadmap, from a focused topic to polishing your dissertation to a publishable standard. Alternatively, you can simply buy dissertation online to save yourself the trouble.
Step 1 - Brainstorm a Topic
The right dissertation topic for your entire research and a successful dissertation defense. Let’s outline key factors to consider when selecting a personally engaging and academically sound topic.
Step 2 – Format the Title Page
The title page serves as the first impression of your dissertation, so proper formatting is essential.
- Dissertation Title: Centered and capitalized (including first and major words but not articles like "a" or "the"). Aim for clarity, conciseness, and accuracy in reflecting your research.
- Your Full Name: Centered below the title, with your last name first. Include any required student identification number if applicable.
- Dissertation Designation: Centered a few lines below your name. Specify "A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy" (or the appropriate degree title) in your program.
- Department and Institution: Centered below the dissertation designation. Include the name of your academic department and the full name of your university.
- Degree Program: Centered below the department and institution. Specify the specific degree program (e.g., "Doctor of Philosophy in [Your Field]").
- Submission Date: Centered at the bottom of the page. Include the month and year of submission.
Step 3 – Write an Acknowledgment or Preface
While the body of your dissertation focuses on your research, the preface and acknowledgments offer valuable space for personalization. Here's how to approach each:
Step 4 – Write an Abstract
An effective dissertation abstract serves as a succinct yet impactful summary of your research project. It's often the first impression potential readers get, so crafting a clear and compelling abstract is crucial. Here's how to approach this important task:
Structure and Content:
- Focus on Key Points: Briefly outline the research problem, your research objectives or questions, the methodology employed, key findings, and the significance of your contribution to the field.
- Length: The typical word count falls between 250-500 words, depending on your university's guidelines.
- Organization: Aim for a clear and concise structure, typically following the flow of your dissertation (problem, methodology, findings, significance).
- Language: Use clear, concise, and formal language. Avoid jargon or overly complex terms that might not be understood by a general academic audience.
Additional Tips:
- Write in the third person (avoid "I" or "we").
- Focus on results, not methods. Highlight the key findings of your research, not the specific methods used to obtain them.
- Keywords: Include relevant keywords from your field to enhance discoverability.
- Proofread meticulously. Ensure there are no grammatical errors or typos.
- Avoid citations or references. The abstract should stand alone without relying on primary and secondary sources.
Step 5 – Provide a Table of Contents
Since we’ve already discussed the structure of the table of contents for a dissertation, here we’d like to provide an example of a TOC for your reference needs:
Table of Contents
List of Tables ......................................................................... viii
List of Figures ........................................................................ ix
Acknowledgments ................................................................. x
Preface ................................................................................... xi
Abstract .................................................................................. xii
Chapter 1: Introduction ......................................................... 1
1.1 Background and Significance .......................................... 1
1.2 Research Question and Objectives ................................ 5
1.3 Dissertation Overview ..................................................... 7
Chapter 2: Literature Review ................................................ 9
2.1 Existing Research on [Topic] ........................................... 9
2.2 Theoretical Framework ................................................... 14
2.3 Gaps in the Literature ..................................................... 18
2.4 Justification for the Present Study ............................... 20
Chapter 3: Methodology ...................................................... 23
3.1 Research Design .............................................................. 23
3.2 Population and Sample .................................................. 25
3.3 Data Collection Methods ............................................... 28
3.4 Data Analysis Techniques ............................................. 32
3.5 Ethical Considerations ................................................... 35
Chapter 4: Results ................................................................ 38
4.1 Findings on [Topic Area 1] .............................................. 38
4.2 Findings on [Topic Area 2] ............................................ 43
4.3 Additional Results .......................................................... 48
Chapter 5: Discussion .......................................................... 52
5.1 Interpretation of Findings ............................................... 52
5.2 Comparison to Existing Literature ................................ 56
5.3 Implications of the Research ........................................ 60
5.4 Limitations of the Study ................................................ 63
Chapter 6: Conclusion ......................................................... 66
6.1 Summary of Key Findings .............................................. 66
6.2 Significance of the Research ........................................ 68
6.3 Recommendations for Future Research ....................... 70
Appendix A: [Supplementary Material 1] ............................ 72
Appendix B: [Supplementary Material 2] ........................... 75
References ............................................................................ 78
Step 6 – Draw up a List of Figures and Tables
If you incorporate visual elements such as graphs, charts, tables, or images, you should include a list of figures and tables when writing a dissertation.
1. Create captions for your figures and tables:
- This step is important because it allows your word processing software to generate the list later automatically.
- Review your dissertation and ensure each figure (chart, graph, image) and table has a clear and concise caption.
- The caption should briefly explain the content of the figure or table and its significance to your research.
2. Use your word processor's reference tools:
- Most word processing software (e.g., Microsoft Word) has built-in features for managing references and creating lists of figures and tables.
- Look for a section related to "References" or "Citations" in your software.
- You should find options to "Insert Caption" or "Insert Table of Figures/Tables."
3. Insert captions and generate the list:
- Follow the instructions in your software to insert captions for each figure and table.
- Once all captions are added, locate the option to generate the figures and/or tables list.
- The software will automatically populate the list based on the captions you inserted.
Step 7 – Add a List of Abbreviations
A list of abbreviations serves two primary purposes in your dissertation:
- Clarity and Consistency: Dissertations often utilize numerous abbreviations for frequently used terms or concepts. A dedicated list ensures consistent abbreviation usage throughout your work, preventing confusion for your reader.
- Accessibility: Readers unfamiliar with specific abbreviations in your field can easily reference the list to understand the meaning behind them. This is particularly helpful for those outside your immediate discipline.
How to create an effective list of abbreviations?
Step 8 – Add a Glossary
A dissertation glossary is a mini-dictionary specific to your research project. It defines and explains key terms, concepts, or jargon used throughout your dissertation that might not be familiar to a general academic audience, even within your field.
Benefits of a Dissertation Glossary:
- Enhances Understanding: Readers can easily grasp the meaning you intend for certain terms, avoiding confusion or misinterpretations.
- Demonstrates Expertise: A glossary showcases your deep understanding of your research area and ability to communicate effectively.
- Improves Readability: Readers unfamiliar with specialized terms can quickly reference the glossary for clarification, making your work more accessible.
Adding a Dissertation Glossary:
- Placement: Typically, the glossary is placed at the beginning of your dissertation, after the table of contents and acknowledgments (if applicable).
- Formatting: Organize entries alphabetically for easy reference. Include the term in bold, followed by its clear and concise definition.
- Content: Focus on terms specific to your research area, acronyms or abbreviations you use frequently, and any concepts that might not be common knowledge within your field.
Step 9 – Write an Introduction
The dissertation introduction sets the stage for your entire research project. It captures the reader's attention, introduces the topic, and lays the groundwork for your research question. Here's a breakdown of the key elements to consider when crafting an introduction for dissertations:
Step 10 – Write a Literature Review
The literature review is a cornerstone of your dissertation, demonstrating your deep understanding of existing research in your field.
Step 11 – Continue with the Methodology Section
The methodology chapter unveils the "how" of your research, outlining the specific steps taken to gather and analyze data. This transparency allows readers to ascertain that you know how to write a dissertation with valid findings.
Step 12 – Move on to the Results Section
The results chapter is where your research comes alive as you’re writing a dissertation.
Step 13 – Proceed to Discussions
The results chapter laid out the data you meticulously collected, but the discussion breathes life into it. This chapter is your chance to connect the dots, analyze how your results illuminate your research question, and demonstrate their significance within the broader context of your field.
Step 14 – Wrap up the Conclusion
A dissertation conclusion is the final chapter you have to write. Its goal is to leave a lasting impression on your reader.
Step 15 – Draw up a Bibliography
A dissertation bibliography is a comprehensive list of all sources you cited throughout your research. It allows readers to find the original works you referenced and provides them with further resources for in-depth exploration of your topic.
- Follow your university's preferred style guide for referencing (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).
- Consistency in formatting is crucial for a professional presentation.
- Most universities provide online resources or style guide manuals to help with proper formatting.
- Include all sources you cited within your dissertation, not just those directly quoted.
- Entries should be arranged alphabetically by author's last name (or first word of the title for non-author sources).
- Each entry should include all the necessary information for readers to locate the source, typically including:some text
- Author(s) name(s)
- Title of the source (book, article, website, etc.)
- Publication information (publisher, year of publication)
- Additional details specific to the source type (e.g., journal volume and issue number for articles, website URL)
- Use bibliographic management software (e.g., Mendeley, Zotero) to organize and format your references efficiently.
- Double-check all entries for accuracy and ensure they match your in-text citations.
- Maintain consistency in formatting throughout your bibliography.
Read more: How to cite an essay APA.
Step 16 – Add Appendices
The appendices provide supplementary information that supports your research but doesn't necessarily belong to your dissertation's main body. This additional material can enhance understanding without distracting your reader from the core arguments.
What to Include:
- Raw Data: Extensive datasets, tables of raw numbers, or complex statistical outputs that wouldn't be easily digestible within the main text can be included here.
- Detailed Instruments: If you developed a specific survey instrument, interview protocol, or coding scheme crucial for understanding your research methodology, you can include them in the appendices.
- Supplementary Figures: Detailed graphs, charts, or images that would disrupt the flow of the main text but provide valuable insights can be placed here.
- Correspondence: If your research involved significant communication with participants or external organizations, relevant excerpts from emails or letters can be included (with appropriate anonymization).
- Additional Analyses: Alternative data analyses or interpretations not directly related to your main research question but potentially interesting to specific readers can be placed here.
What Not to Include:
- Essential Information: Avoid including anything crucial for understanding your research question or interpreting your findings. The appendices should be supplementary, not core, to your dissertation.
- Redundant Material: Previously published works by you or others shouldn't be included here unless they are directly related to your dissertation and not readily accessible elsewhere.
Step 17 – Proofread, Edit, and Format
Congratulations, you’re on the final stretch! Are you excited? Now, it’s about time you proofread, edit, and format your dissertation:
This meticulous process involves catching typos, grammatical errors, and punctuation mistakes. Here's how to tackle it effectively:
- Take Breaks: Proofread when you're well-rested and can focus on details. Come back to your work after some time away for a fresh perspective.
- Read Aloud: This can help you hear awkward phrasing or missed punctuation.
- Use Technology: Utilize spell checkers and grammar tools, but don't rely solely on them. They might miss certain errors.
- Focus on Specific Areas: Systematically check for common mistakes like subject-verb agreement, comma usage, and missing articles.
- Print a Copy: Sometimes, proofreading on paper can help catch errors missed on the screen.
Editing goes beyond proofreading and delves deeper into the content and structure of your dissertation.
- Clarity and Concision: Ensure your writing is clear, concise, and easy to understand. Eliminate unnecessary jargon or wordiness.
- Flow and Organization: Evaluate the overall flow of your arguments. Does each section lead logically into the next?
- Consistency: Maintain consistency in different types of tone, style, and formatting throughout your dissertation.
- Strength of Arguments: Critically evaluate your research question, methodology, and analysis. Are your arguments well-supported by evidence?
- Seek Feedback: Share your work with trusted advisors, peers, or editing services for constructive criticism.
Formatting ensures a professional and polished look for your dissertation. Here's how to handle it:
- Style Guide: Follow your university's specific style guide (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago) meticulously. These guides provide detailed instructions on font size, margins, spacing, citation format, and more.
- Headings and Subheadings: Utilize headings and subheadings to structure your dissertation and enhance readability. Ensure consistent formatting and hierarchy.
- Tables, Figures, and Charts: Present data visually using tables, figures, and charts. Label them clearly and consistently, and ensure they are referenced within the text.
- Page Numbers: Include page numbers consistently throughout your dissertation, typically starting with the introduction section.
- Table of Contents and List of Figures/Tables: Generate a well-organized table of contents and a list of figures/tables for easy navigation.
Step 18 – Defend a Dissertation
A dissertation defense is your PhD program's final exam. You'll deliver a presentation summarizing your research and then field questions from a committee to showcase your expertise. Here are 7 tips to conquer your defense:
- Practice, practice, practice: Rehearse your presentation to ensure smooth delivery and perfect timing.
- Prepare for battle: Anticipate potential questions and craft clear, concise answers that demonstrate your knowledge.
- Dress for success: Project confidence through professional attire and body language.
- Speak clearly: Avoid jargon and use language understandable to a broad academic audience.
- Show your passion: Convey enthusiasm for your research and its significance.
- Embrace feedback: Acknowledge the committee's insights and address critiques thoughtfully.
- Believe in yourself: Remember, you're the expert on your dissertation. Relax, breathe, and shine!
Dissertation Examples
A dissertation is a complex paper with dozens of papers to be written. Although you’ve learned the theory of writing such a discourse, it would be a great idea to get a demonstration of how it’s applied in practice.
Dissertations provide a culminating experience for graduate students, requiring them to synthesize knowledge from their field, conduct original research, and present a unique contribution.
The dissertation writing process hones critical thinking, research, and drafting skills, all essential for success in academia or professional careers. If you’re ready to write your own dissertation, browse these research paper topics, which will signify the start of an exciting yet laborious academic journey.
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What is the Purpose of a Dissertation?
Dissertations demonstrate students' ability to conduct independent research and contribute new knowledge to their field.

Daniel Parker
is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.
- Updated writing steps.
- Updated FAQs.
- LibGuides: Dissertations and major projects: Writing up your dissertation. (n.d.). https://libguides.reading.ac.uk/dissertations/writing-up
- How To Write A Dissertation. (n.d.). https://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/dec/essay.dissertation.html
- Dissertation Tips. (n.d.). University of Portsmouth. https://www.port.ac.uk/student-life/help-and-advice/study-skills/written-assignments/dissertation-tips
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