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AMA Citation Format: A Learning Guide With Examples

AMA Citation

Everyone involved with medicine, health sciences, or scientific research has had at least a little relationship with the AMA (American Medical Association) format. No one is exactly thrilled about learning citation styles, but proper referencing is non-negotiable when it comes to academic writing. Mess it up, and your credibility will take an instant hit.

This article will walk you through everything there is to know about the AMA citation format. By the end of this guide, you'll be a master of in-text numbering, crafting the perfect reference list, and everything in between. Plus, you’ll find a quick AMA citation example as well.

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Getting to Know AMA Citation Style

You can't escape the AMA citation if you're working on medical or scientific research. This style keeps your writing organized, reliable, and easy to track, which is exactly how professional writing must be. AMA style relies on a numbered system - every source gets a superscript number in the text. Unlike the ASA format, which lists sources alphabetically, this style keeps them in the order they appear. This is how the AMA style works:

  • In-text citations: Sources are numbered in superscript Arabic numerals (¹,²,³) within the text.
  • Reference list citations: Full source details appear in numerical order at the end of the paper.
Citation Type Example
In-text citation Recent studies highlight major advancements in gene therapy.1
Journal article 1. Harrington J, Lancaster P. The role of AI in modern diagnostics. J Med Innov. 2023;52(1):88-96.
Book 2. Sinclair R. Ethics in Medical Research. 3rd ed. Oxford University Press; 2021.
Website 3. National Institutes of Health. Cancer prevention strategies. Published March 10, 2023. Accessed July 18, 2023.
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AMA General Formatting

Sloppy formatting is a headache for everyone. First of all, no professor enjoys scrambling to find sources you've used in your paper. However, the consequences might be a bit more severe than that: you don't want to write an A+ paper and then lose the well-needed points because you listed sources alphabetically instead of in the order of appearance. Follow these rules to make sure your writing is well-organized:

  • Font: Stick to Times New Roman or Arial, size 12.
  • Spacing: Keep everything double-spaced, except for block quotes and references.
  • Margins: Set 1-inch margins all around.
  • Page Numbers: Upper-right corner.
  • Title Page: Include your title, author name, institution, and word count.
  • Headings: Keep them bold or in title case, but don’t go overboard with styling.
  • References: Number them sequentially as they appear in the text.
AMA general formatting

If you're still a little confused about how exactly your paper should be structured, keep reading and take a look at the AMA citation example. And if you ever find yourself thinking, 'I just need someone to write my dissertation without formatting issues,' EssayPro's professional academic help is always just a few clicks away.

Key Components of AMA Citation Format

You probably won't wake up thrilled to sit down and format your citations, but you'll still need to do it if you want your research to be taken seriously. The AMA citation format is necessary for giving credit where credit is due and making sure the reader can easily track down your sources. Citations have two most important components: in-text citations and the reference list. Let's take a closer look at how each of them must be written.

In-Text Citations

The AMA in-text citation keeps your writing clean and clutter-free. There's no need for you to write lengthy author-date citations; just a small superscript number that connects to your reference list will do.

Scenario Example
Citing a single source Researchers found a strong correlation between diet and cognitive function.1
Citing multiple sources Several studies have explored the link between air pollution and respiratory disease.2,3
Citing the same source more than once Sleep deprivation has been shown to impair memory recall.4 Later studies confirmed this effect.4
Citing a source within a sentence According to recent findings1, early intervention improves recovery rates.

Reference List

The reference list at the end of your paper must be more detailed. This section gives the reader everything they might need to easily track your sources down. As we mentioned, the AMA style lists sources in the order they appear in your work.

AMA reference list
Source Type Example
Journal Article 1. Dawson P, Bennett L. Advances in gene therapy. J Med Sci. 2022;45(3):215-227.
Book 2. Landry S. Principles of Epidemiology. 3rd ed. Oxford University Press; 2021.
Website 3. World Health Organization. Global health statistics report. Published March 20, 2023. Accessed July 5, 2023.
Conference Paper 4. Hartwell T. The future of AI in medical diagnostics. Presented at: IEEE International Conference on Biomedical Engineering; April 10, 2022; San Diego, CA.

Detailed AMA Citation Formats

AMA essay format things are simple. We've already covered how in-text citations and the reference list must be built. But don't let that simplicity fool you! You'll have to follow a different set of rules for each different source you use.


Books are still academic goldmines, regardless of how digital our lives become. Depending on whether you're citing a single author, multiple ones, an editor, or just one chapter, there are different guidelines to follow.

Type Format Example
Book with a Single Author Last Name First Initial. Book Title. Edition (if applicable). Publisher; Year. Harrington J. Advances in Neurology. 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press; 2021.
Book with Two or More Authors Last Name First Initial, Last Name First Initial. Book Title. Edition (if applicable). Publisher; Year. Bennett K, Dawson P. Molecular Biology in Medicine. Oxford University Press; 2020.
Book with an Editor Editor Last Name First Initial, ed. Book Title. Publisher; Year. Whitmore L, ed. Current Trends in Pediatrics. Elsevier; 2019.
Chapter from a Book Author Last Name First Initial. Chapter title. In: Editor Last Name First Initial, ed. Book Title. Publisher; Year: Page Numbers. Lancaster B. Pediatric pain management. In: Smith R, ed. Clinical Anesthesiology. McGraw-Hill; 2022:215-230.
Electronic Book Author Last Name First Initial. Book Title. Edition (if applicable). Publisher; Year. Accessed Month Day, Year. URL. Vaughn S. Digital Health Technologies. Springer; 2023. Accessed August 10, 2023.


Journal articles are very commonly used in academic papers, and the AMA style makes sure each author is properly credited for their research.

Type Format Example
Journal Article with One Author Author's Surname and First Initial. Article title. Journal Name. Year;Volume(Issue):Page Numbers. Sinclair M. The future of robotic surgery. J Med Tech. 2023;48(2):112-120.
Journal Article with Multiple Authors Author's Last Name and First Initial, Last Name First Initial, Last Name First Initial. Article title. Journal Name. Year;Volume(Issue):Page Numbers. Calloway T, Whitmore L, Bennett K. AI-driven diagnostics in cardiology. J Cardiovasc Res. 2022;59(4):201-214.
Journal Article with an Organization as Author Organization Name. Article title. Journal Name. Year;Volume(Issue):Page Numbers. American Heart Association. Advances in stroke prevention. Stroke J. 2021;33(1):15-28.
Journal Article with No Author Title of Article. Journal Name. Year;Volume(Issue):Page Numbers. Managing chronic pain in older adults. Pain Med Today. 2022;45(6):130-145.
Electronic Journal Article with DOI Author's Last Name and First Initial. Article title. Journal Name. Year;Volume(Issue):Page Numbers. doi:xx.xxxx Vaughn S. Nanotechnology in drug delivery. Pharm Sci J. 2023;65(7):301-312. doi:10.1234/pharmsci.2023.065
Electronic Journal Article without DOI Author's Last Name and First Initial. Article title. Journal Name. Year;Volume(Issue):Page Numbers. Accessed Month Day, Year. URL. Hastings R. The role of AI in neuroimaging. Radiol Today. 2023;41(3):87-99. Accessed September 15, 2023.


Not everything you write in your paper will come from a book or a journal. Modern research pulls from everywhere, so there might come a time when you need to cite a YouTube video or even a podcast. AMA has got you covered regardless of where your information comes from.

Type Format Example
Website Author (if available). Title of webpage/document. Name of Website. Published Date. Accessed Date, Year. URL. National Cancer Institute. Latest advancements in immunotherapy. National Institutes of Health. Published May 12, 2023. Accessed August 5, 2023.
Social Media Post Author (or Account Name). Post title or first few words. Platform. Date. URL. World Health Organization (@WHO). New guidelines on post-pandemic recovery. Twitter. June 8, 2023.
Package Insert Manufacturer. Package insert title. City, State: Manufacturer; Year. Pfizer Inc. COVID-19 vaccine insert. New York, NY: Pfizer; 2021.
Conference Paper Author Last Name First Initial. Paper title. Presented at: Name of Conference; Month Day, Year; Location. Sheffield M. AI and mental health diagnostics. Presented at: Annual Medical AI Symposium; October 15, 2022; Boston, MA.
Newspaper Article Author Last Name First Initial. Article title. Newspaper Name. Month Day, Year. Page Numbers. Morrissey C. Healthcare reforms expected next year. The New York Times. September 21, 2023:A3.
Newsletter Author Last Name First Initial. Article title. Newsletter Name. Month Year. Volume(Issue). Page Numbers. Dawson P. Breakthroughs in pediatric surgery. MedSci Newsletter. October 2023;17(5):3-5.
Thesis or Dissertation Author Last Name First Initial. Title of dissertation [type of dissertation]. University; Year. Langford J. AI-based early disease detection [doctoral dissertation]. Stanford University; 2022.
Government or Agency Bulletin Organization. Title. Published Date. Accessed Date, Year. URL. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Annual flu report. Published March 15, 2023. Accessed June 20, 2023.
Online Video Author or Organization. Title of video [video]. Platform. Published Date. Accessed Date. URL. Mayo Clinic. The future of telemedicine [video]. YouTube. Published July 10, 2023. Accessed August 22, 2023.
Podcast Host Last Name First Initial. Episode title. Podcast Name. Publication Date. Accessed Date. URL. Bennett K. AI in medical research. Future of Medicine Podcast. October 5, 2023. Accessed November 3, 2023.

See also our list of more than 400 essay topics that we can guarantee will inspire your writing!

The Final Check

By now, you should have got AMA citations down to a science. You know you must use superscript numbers for your in-text citations and that your reference list plays by its own numerical rules. You've got the tools to properly cite each source, regardless of whether it's from a website, journal, or that obscure government bulletin buried in PDF form. So, now it's time to sit down and actually start writing!

But if we're being honest, keeping it all together between research, writing, and formatting can quickly start to feel a little Sisyphean. In such cases, you can always reach out to EssayPro and tell our professionals, 'Write my essay'. The expert academic writers in your field will take some pressure off of your shoulders right away!


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November 1, 2024
Eye of the Tiger gonna help me pass calc? Sure, I’ll give it a shot but not holding my breath here 💀
October 30, 2024
Nice choice of songs! I know almost all of them and the playlist for studying is epic! Florence and the Machine - Dog Days Are Over is a cray cray :)
October 30, 2024
Absolutely loving this playlist! 🎧 Big thanks for putting this together – totally recommend this to anyone needing that extra motivation boost! 🙌
October 30, 2024
The song that motivates me the most is MÅNESKIN - Honey!
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Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

What was changed:
  1. Desk, H. R. (n.d.). Research Guides: AMA Citation Style: Journals.
  2. Research Guides: AMA Style (11th ed): Citing Your Sources: Reference List. (2020).
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