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PowerPoint Presentation Ideas: Say Goodbye to Boring Slides!

PowerPoint Presentation Ideas
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Another PowerPoint? Great… said no one ever.

It’s frustrating. You know the content, but turning it into something that doesn’t send everyone to nap-time is a different story. You add some bullet points, toss in a stock image, and hope for the best. But you can tell, just like every other class, no one’s paying attention.

Here’s the reality: the average person’s attention span is shrinking, so your presentation needs to grab attention right from the start. And it’s not about flashy designs or cramming your slides with text. It's about finding that one idea that resonates, whether it’s a new trend in technology or a fresh take on a subject you’re passionate about.

In this guide, we’ve pulled together over 100 PowerPoint presentation ideas for students, covering everything from designing for classrooms and webinars to pitching new ideas.

Hope it will be of much help!

How to Pick a Good PowerPoint Presentation Topic

Alright, so you have your slides open, but where do you even start with choosing a topic? 

It’s easy to fall into the trap of picking something broad or boring that’s impossible to present in a meaningful way. But if you want your PowerPoint to stand out, you need a topic that’s focused, relevant, and (most importantly!) interesting for your audience:

Topic Description
Political Theory You'll study the works of influential thinkers, such as Plato, Aristotle, and modern political theorists.
Comparative Politics You'll compare different political systems from around the world and learn how political structures affect citizens' lives.
International Relations You'll study how countries interact with each other. Topics may include diplomacy, conflict resolution, and international organizations like the United Nations.
Public Policy You'll learn about the policy-making process, analyzing the impact of laws and regulations on society.
Political Institutions You'll explore the various institutions that make up the political landscape, such as legislatures, courts, and bureaucracies.
Research Methods You'll learn how to gather data, conduct surveys, and analyze information.
Political Behavior You'll study voting patterns, public opinion, and the role of political parties.

By using these tips, you’ll land on ideas for PowerPoint presentations that are engaging, easy to present, and something your audience will actually want to hear about. 

For more insights, check out these powerpoint presentation tips for students.

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PowerPoint Presentation Ideas for Different Fields

It’s not a one-size-fits-all deal. What works for a biology project might flop in a business pitch, so don’t forget to tailor your presentation to your field. 

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Best PowerPoint Presentation Ideas for Students

Picking a good topic can be harder than the presentation itself. Here are 10 fresh ideas for PowerPoint presentations, tailored for 2024, that’ll keep your audience off TikTok (at least until you’re done).

  1. Is College Really Worth the Price Tag?
    People are paying a fortune for a piece of paper. Is it still worth it? Compare stories of degree holders vs. those who took different routes.
    Hook: “Would you pay $100K for your degree?”
  2. Going Viral on Social Media: What’s the Secret?
    Everyone’s trying to blow up on TikTok, but is there a formula? Look at what makes some videos explode and others flop.
    Hook: “Why did this random dance get 10 million views?”
  3. Is Wellness Culture Stressing Us Out?
    Self-care is supposed to be relaxing, but it can feel like just another to-do list. Talk about the pressure to “live your best life” 24/7.
    Hook: “Ever felt worse after watching a ‘perfect’ morning routine?”
  4. Friends or Followers? How Tech is Changing Relationships
    Snapchat streaks and DMs might keep us in touch, but is it real connection? Discuss the pros and cons of digital friendships.
    Hook: “If your group chat went silent for a week, would you still feel close?”
  5. Cryptocurrency: Confusing Hype or Real Money?
    Crypto sounds complicated, but it’s everywhere. Explain what it is, why it’s such a big deal, and if it’s actually a good investment.
    Hook: “Imagine losing $1,000 because you clicked ‘Buy’ without knowing what you got.”
  6. Climate Change Anxiety: What’s Up with Our Eco Freakout?
    Talk about why students are feeling overwhelmed by the climate crisis and small things that actually help.
    Hook: “Ever felt guilty about using a plastic straw?”
  7. Gaming Addiction: When Does ‘Just One More Game’ Go Too Far?
    A few hours of gaming can turn into an all-nighter real quick. What’s the difference between a hobby and a habit?
    Hook: “Ever played until you realized it was 4 a.m. and you had class at 8?”
  8. The Concert Comeback: Is Live Music Still the Same?
    After two years of Zoom concerts, live music’s back. But are those insane ticket prices and crowded venues worth it now?
    Hook: “Remember when concerts didn’t cost your life savings?”
  9. Digital Burnout: When You’re Tired of Your Phone
    Constant notifications got everyone feeling drained. How do you set boundaries without ghosting your friends?
    Hook: “Ever been too exhausted to even open Instagram?”
  10. Memes: More Than Just LOLs?
    Memes are hilarious, but now they’re shaping serious debates too. Why are we using SpongeBob to make political statements?
    Hook: “How did ‘This is Fine’ become the perfect 2024 summary?”


Get inspired with these ideas for PowerPoint presentations that will make health and nursing topics engaging, relatable, and relevant:

  1. Why Sleep is the Most Underrated Health Habit
    Sleep affects everything. Share tips on setting a consistent sleep routine.
    Hook: “Ever tried to function on three hours of sleep? Didn’t go well, did it?”
  2. Vaping: A ‘Safe’ Alternative or a New Health Crisis?
    Vaping isn’t as harmless as it seemed. Show the health risks and real stats.
    Hook: “Remember when we thought vaping was ‘healthy’?”
  3. Mental Health Stigma: Why Are We Still Struggling?
    Stigma still holds people back. Tips on how to support and talk openly.
    Hook: “Ever say you’re ‘fine’ when you’re not?”
  4. Social Media and Body Image: How Real is ‘Real’?
    Filters mess with self-esteem. Suggest following healthier, positive content.
    Hook: “Would you still like yourself if Instagram vanished?”
  5. Healthcare Workers and Burnout: What’s the Real Story?
    Burnout is more than being tired. Share stress management and support ideas.
    Hook: “Is burnout just exhaustion? Not even close.”
  6. Diet Culture: When ‘Healthy’ Becomes Dangerous
    “Healthy” can turn harmful. Show red flags and emphasize balance.
    Hook: “Ever heard someone say, ‘I’m being good today’ with their meal?”
  7. Nursing Shortages: Why Everyone Should Care
    Fewer nurses = more problems. Share possible solutions to improve the situation.
    Hook: “How many patients is too many for one nurse?”
  8. Telehealth: Game-Changer or Just Awkward?
    Telehealth is convenient but not perfect. Show what works and when to skip it.
    Hook: “Is seeing your doctor on Zoom the new normal?”
  9. Superbugs: Why Antibiotic Resistance is Scary
    Antibiotic overuse is dangerous. Talk alternatives and why finishing meds matters.
    Hook: “Ever been sick and no meds worked?”
  10. Holistic vs. Modern Medicine: Can They Work Together?
    Holistic and modern treatments are blending. Show how it’s working in practice.
    Hook: “Is there a middle ground between meditation and medication?”


Check out these fresh ideas for PowerPoint presentations that’ll make even the most traditional topics feel new:

  1. Dystopian Fiction: Why Do We Love the End of the World?
    Discuss why we keep coming back to dystopian stories in books and films.
    Hook: “Why does every generation need its own version of 1984?”
  2. BookTok’s Influence on Reading Trends
    Social media is making old books new again. Why do some novels blow up on BookTok?
    Hook: “Why is a book from 10 years ago suddenly a bestseller?”
  3. Why We’re Drawn to Anti-Heroes
    From Gatsby to Macbeth, flawed characters are fascinating. What makes us root for them?
    Hook: “Why do we cheer for characters who are kind of terrible?”
  4. From Page to Screen: Why Do Adaptations Fail?
    “The book was better.” Why are so many adaptations disappointing?
    Hook: “Ever left a movie thinking, ‘That’s not how it happened in the book!’?”
  5. Shakespeare: Still Relevant or Outdated?
    People either love or hate him. Is it time to retire Shakespeare from classrooms?
    Hook: “Is it time to say goodbye to teaching Shakespeare?”
  6. Banned Books: What’s So Dangerous?
    Why are books like To Kill a Mockingbird still banned? Discuss what this says about society.
    Hook: “Ever wondered why some books are still banned?”
  7. Literature That Changed the World
    How certain novels and poems sparked real-world change.
    Hook: “Can a single book really start a movement?”
  8. Romanticism vs. Realism: Which One Speaks to Us Today?
    Compare the appeal of these two styles and why they resonate differently.
    Hook: “Is fantasy better than reality in literature?”
  9. The Timeless Power of Poetry
    Why do we turn to poetry in tough times? What makes it so impactful?
    Hook: “How can just a few lines hit so hard?”
  10. Literary Tropes: Why Do We Love Them?
    “Enemies-to-lovers,” “chosen one,” and other familiar tropes—why do they work?
    Hook: “Why do all romance books have the same three plot lines?”


Here are some creative ideas for PowerPoint presentations that’ll keep your marketing class hooked from start to finish:

  1. The Power of Storytelling in Marketing
    People remember stories, not ads. Why are brands using narratives now?
    Hook: “Why do we remember Nike’s ‘Just Do It’ but forget most other ads?”
  2. Influencer Marketing: Authentic or Overdone?
    Influencers are everywhere, but are they still effective?
    Hook: “Do people buy because a stranger on Instagram told them to?”
  3. Micro-Influencers: Why Less is More
    Small followings, big impact. Why are brands shifting to micro-influencers?
    Hook: “Ever trusted a friend’s recommendation more than a celebrity’s?”
  4. Nostalgia Marketing: Why We Love the ’90s
    Retro is back. Why do brands keep using nostalgia to sell?
    Hook: “Why is every brand obsessed with bringing back the 90s?”
  5. Viral Marketing: Strategy or Just Luck?
    Can brands really plan to go viral, or is it all chance?
    Hook: “What makes one ad blow up and another flop?”
  6. Social Media Algorithms: Friend or Foe?
    Algorithms rule what we see. How are marketers navigating these changes?
    Hook: “Why do you see some ads and not others?”
  7. Emotional Marketing: Buying With Our Hearts
    People buy based on feelings, not facts. How do brands tap into that?
    Hook: “Why do some ads make you cry and others make you cringe?”
  8. Brand Loyalty in 2024: What’s Changed?
    Customers switch brands more than ever. How do companies keep loyalty alive?
    Hook: “Why do people switch brands so easily now?”
  9. Content Marketing: Is It Still Worth It?
    Does anyone actually read blogs or watch long videos anymore?
    Hook: “What kind of content are people still engaging with?”
  10. Sustainability in Marketing: Real or Just Hype?
    Everyone claims to be “green.” Are brands actually committed?
    Hook: “Is ‘eco-friendly’ just another buzzword?”

Immigration and Citizenship

Here are 10 PowerPoint topics that’ll help you cover the complex issues around immigration, citizenship, and identity:

  1. The Immigrant Experience: Why Leave Everything Behind?
    What drives people to leave home and start over? Discuss motivations and sacrifices.
    Hook: “What would it take for you to leave your home forever?”
  2. Pathways to Citizenship: Why Is It So Complicated?
    Becoming a citizen isn’t the same process for everyone. Why does it vary so much?
    Hook: “Why do some people wait years while others wait months?”
  3. The Dreamers: What’s Next for DACA Recipients?
    Talk about DACA’s uncertain future and how it impacts young immigrants.
    Hook: “What’s next for those who’ve only known America as home?”
  4. U.S. Immigration Laws: How Have They Changed?
    From the Chinese Exclusion Act to current policies, see how immigration laws have evolved.
    Hook: “What if your family wasn’t allowed to come here 50 years ago?”
  5. Citizenship vs. Nationality: What’s the Difference?
    These terms aren’t the same legally or socially. Why does it matter?
    Hook: “Are you a citizen of your country, or just a national?”
  6. Refugees vs. Migrants: Why the Labels Matter
    The terms we use shape public perception. Break down what’s at stake.
    Hook: “Why are some called ‘refugees’ and others just ‘migrants’?”
  7. Border Security: Protection or Isolation?
    How do border policies impact not just immigrants but entire communities?
    Hook: “Do borders protect people or keep opportunities out?”
  8. The Impact of Immigration on Local Economies
    How do immigrants drive innovation and entrepreneurship in local communities?
    Hook: “Did you know immigrants started some of America’s biggest companies?”
  9. Assimilation vs. Integration: Which is Better?
    Should immigrants fully adopt the new culture, or blend traditions?
    Hook: “Can you keep your roots and still be ‘American’ enough?”
  10. Dual Citizenship: Benefits and Controversies
    Why do people hold dual citizenship, and what legal challenges come with it?
    Hook: “Is being loyal to two countries a conflict of interest?”

Digital Sciences

Check out these 10 ideas that cover the latest trends and hot topics in digital sciences:

  1. AI Ethics: Should Machines Make Moral Decisions?
    Can we trust AI with life-altering choices?
    Hook: “Should a self-driving car choose who to save?”
  2. Quantum Computing: What’s the Big Deal?
    Quantum tech promises big changes. Why?
    Hook: “Why do experts say quantum computing will change everything?”
  3. Cybersecurity in 2024: Are We Prepared?
    Cyber threats are growing—are defenses keeping up?
    Hook: “If hackers are getting smarter, are we keeping up?”
  4. The Internet of Things: Convenience or Privacy Risk?
    Smart devices make life easier, but are they safe?
    Hook: “Is your smart fridge spying on you?”
  5. Blockchain Beyond Bitcoin: Real-World Uses
    Blockchain isn’t just for crypto—what else can it do?
    Hook: “How is blockchain transforming industries?”
  6. Deepfakes: Creative or Dangerous?
    Realistic deepfakes are everywhere. What’s at risk?
    Hook: “Can you tell if that video is fake or real?”
  7. The Future of Robotics: What’s Next?
    Robots are more than just automation—what else?
    Hook: “Will your next therapist be a robot?”
  8. Big Data: Are We Making Sense of It?
    So much data, but is it useful?
    Hook: “Is big data helping or just adding to the noise?”
  9. Augmented Reality: Changing Our World
    AR is reshaping industries from gaming to retail.
    Hook: “What if you could try on clothes from home?”
  10. Social Media Algorithms: Ethical Concerns
    Algorithms control our feeds—should they?
    Hook: “Is your feed designed to manipulate you?”

STEM Students

Here are 10 PowerPoint Presentation ideas for students that cover the main STEM fields: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine.


  1. Climate Change Solutions: Are We Doing Enough?
    Talk about technologies like carbon capture and reforestation with visuals comparing emissions over time.
    Hook: “Are we winning or losing the climate battle?”
  2. Genetic Engineering: The Future of Food and Medicine
    Explain CRISPR and gene-editing with simplified diagrams to show its potential benefits and risks.
    Hook: “Could we cure diseases with a genetic ‘cut and paste’?”


  1. AI and Future Jobs: What’s Safe, What’s Not?
    Highlight careers at risk and new roles emerging, with projections showing trends in automation.
    Hook: “Is your future job on the line because of AI?”
  2. Blockchain Beyond Crypto: Changing Cybersecurity
    Show how blockchain secures data and prevents hacks using real-world examples like secure supply chains.
    Hook: “Can blockchain keep your personal data safer?”


  1. Smart Cities: The Future of Urban Living
    Explore smart grids, autonomous transport, and IoT with a graphic showing a “smart city” blueprint.
    Hook: “Is your city smart enough for the future?”
  2. Sustainable Architecture: Building Greener Cities
    Discuss eco-friendly designs and materials using examples of famous green buildings like The Edge in Amsterdam.
    Hook: “Can buildings save the planet?”


  1. Data Science in Sports: Predicting Wins and Losses
    Show how data analytics improve sports strategies with visuals comparing traditional vs. data-driven methods.
    Hook: “Can numbers predict the next World Series champ?”
  2. Math Behind AI: Algorithms That Power the Future
    Explain linear regression and neural networks using flowcharts to visualize how algorithms process data.
    Hook: “Can math really make machines think?”


  1. Telemedicine: The Future of Healthcare
    Talk about how telehealth is expanding patient access post-pandemic, using stats on adoption and benefits.
    Hook: “Is your next doctor’s visit just a click away?”
  2. Stem Cells: Hope for Regenerative Medicine
    Cover advancements in stem cell research with a timeline of breakthroughs for treating diseases.
    Hook: “Can stem cells repair what was once beyond hope?”


Here are 10 straightforward topics to make your law presentations more interesting.

  1. AI and the Law: Who’s Responsible When AI Messes Up?
    Talk about who’s to blame when AI systems make mistakes.
    Hook: “If a self-driving car crashes, who’s getting sued—the driver or the software?”
  2. Privacy Rights: Do Our Laws Need an Upgrade?
    Are current privacy laws enough to protect us from tech companies?
    Hook: “Is your personal data safe, or is it just a free-for-all out there?”
  3. Criminal Justice Reform: What Needs Fixing?
    Break down problems like sentencing issues and discuss what’s being done.
    Hook: “Is the justice system really fair, or just pretending to be?”
  4. Cybercrime: Can the Law Keep Up?
    Digital crimes are everywhere, but are our laws keeping up?
    Hook: “Can hackers be stopped by outdated laws?”
  5. Intellectual Property: Who Really Owns Digital Content?
    Cover how copyright laws apply to memes, videos, and digital art.
    Hook: “Is sharing a meme illegal? It’s complicated.”
  6. Human Rights and Migration: Legal Mess or Legal Help?
    Explore legal issues around refugees, asylum seekers, and border policies.
    Hook: “Do laws protect migrants or make things harder for them?”
  7. Corporate Law: Should Companies Do More Than Make Money?
    Discuss how companies juggle legal, ethical, and profit goals.
    Hook: “Is it legal to be greedy, or is there a line?”
  8. Environmental Law: Are We Actually Protecting the Planet?
    Are current laws strong enough to tackle climate change?
    Hook: “Are environmental laws real solutions or just nice words?”
  9. Free Speech vs. Hate Speech: Where’s the Line?
    What counts as free speech, and what’s considered harmful?
    Hook: “Should free speech have limits, or is it all fair game?”
  10. Legal Ethics: When the Right Thing Feels Wrong
    What do lawyers do when following the law conflicts with their values?
    Hook: “Ever felt like doing your job was against your morals?”


Here are 10 PowerPoint presentation ideas for business that get to what actually matters.

  1. The Future of Remote Work: Here to Stay?
    Is remote work a permanent change or just a phase?
    Hook: “Is the 9-to-5 office life gone for good?”
  2. Why Startups Fail: Common Mistakes
    Why do most startups crash and burn, and how can they avoid it?
    Hook: “Why do 90% of startups fail?”
  3. Social Entrepreneurship: Profit + Purpose
    Can businesses make money and do good?
    Hook: “Can you turn a profit while making a difference?”
  4. The Gig Economy: Freedom or Risky?
    Is freelancing true freedom or just no benefits and no job security?
    Hook: “Is freelancing really as great as it sounds?”
  5. Branding: More Than Just a Logo
    Why do some brands feel so trustworthy? It’s all in the story.
    Hook: “Why do we trust some brands more than others?”
  6. Diversity in the Workplace: Real or Just for Show?
    Does diversity actually change things or is it just a box to check off?
    Hook: “Is workplace diversity making a real impact?”
  7. AI in Business: Friend or Foe?
    Is AI creating more opportunities or taking jobs away?
    Hook: “Will AI be your new colleague… or your replacement?”
  8. Consumer Behavior: What Makes People Buy?
    What drives people’s spending decisions these days?
    Hook: “Why do we research phones more than cars?”
  9. Going Green: Can It Be Profitable?
    Can sustainability be good for business, or is it just good PR?
    Hook: “Is ‘going green’ just a trend or a real business strategy?”
  10. Business Ethics: Principles vs. Profit
    What happens when ethics clash with making money?
    Hook: “Can you do what’s right without hurting the bottom line?”

Cyber Security

Quick and effective topics to make your next presentation stand out:

  1. Ransomware: Every Company’s Worst Nightmare
    Explain how ransomware works and use real case studies to show its impact.
    Hook: “Could your business be held hostage tomorrow?”
  2. Social Engineering: Hacking the Human Mind
    Show how hackers exploit human trust through phishing and scams.
    Hook: “Are people the easiest targets?”
  3. Zero Trust Model: Trust No One, Secure Everything
    Use diagrams to illustrate how zero trust works in real networks.
    Hook: “In cyber, trusting no one is the safest bet.”
  4. Phishing Attacks: More Than Just Fake Emails
    Show how phishing tactics have evolved and how to spot them.
    Hook: “Can you recognize a phishing attempt?”
  5. Cybersecurity for IoT: Is Your Smart Home Safe?
    Highlight the security risks of smart devices and how to protect them.
    Hook: “Could your smart fridge let hackers in?”
  6. Cryptojacking: Mining Crypto Without You Knowing
    Explain how cryptojacking works and how to detect it.
    Hook: “Is your laptop mining crypto right now?”
  7. AI in Cybersecurity: Friend or Foe?
    Compare AI’s role in defense and how hackers use it too.
    Hook: “Will AI stop hackers or help them?”
  8. The Dark Web: What Really Goes On?
    Simplify what the dark web is and what happens there.
    Hook: “What’s hiding on the other side of the internet?”
  9. Password Security: Why Strong Isn’t Enough
    Show why multi-factor authentication beats just using passwords.
    Hook: “Think your password is strong? Think again.”
  10. Cybersecurity Careers: The Future is Bright
    List in-demand roles and skills needed for a career in cyber.
    Hook: “Want a career hackers can’t steal? Start here.”

Social Science

These 10 topics break down social science issues in a way everyone can get into.

  • The Psychology of Social Media: Are We Addicted?
    Talk about how social media keeps us hooked and messes with our mental health.
    Hook: “Is mindless scrolling the new addiction?”
  • Cancel Culture: Justice or Just Online Bullying?
    Dive into whether cancel culture is about holding people accountable or just mob mentality.
    Hook: “Is cancel culture fair, or are we just tearing people down?”
  • Gender Roles: Do They Still Matter?
    Look at how gender roles are changing—or staying the same—and why that matters.
    Hook: “Are gender roles still a thing in 2024?”
  • AI and Society: Friend or Foe?
    See how AI’s changing jobs, privacy, and even daily life, for better or worse.
    Hook: “Is AI making life easier or more complicated?”
  • Why Do Conspiracy Theories Stick?
    Explain why people fall for wild conspiracy theories and how they spread.
    Hook: “Why do people believe stuff that seems crazy?”
  • Wealth Inequality: Why’s the Gap Growing?
    Talk about why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
    Hook: “Why’s it getting harder to bridge the rich-poor gap?”
  • Migration and Identity: How Moving Shapes Us
    Explore how moving to a new place affects who we are and how we fit in.
    Hook: “How does moving change your sense of self?”
  • Media Bias: How It Warps What We Think
    Show how different media outlets spin the same story and create division.
    Hook: “Is your news actually shaping your opinions?”
  • Work-Life Balance: Does It Even Exist?
    Talk about how people juggle work and personal life and whether it’s even possible.
    Hook: “Is work-life balance just a myth?”
  • Cultural Appropriation: Where’s the Line?
    Discuss what’s okay and what’s not when it comes to borrowing from other cultures.
    Hook: “When is it appreciation, and when is it offensive?”

Global Studies

10 topics that dig into global issues in a way that hits home.

  • Globalization: Connecting Us or Dividing Us?
    Show how globalization impacts countries—good and bad.
    Hook: “Is the world getting closer or more divided?”
  • Climate Change: Global Problem, Local Impact
    Talk about how climate change hits different regions in unique ways.
    Hook: “Is climate change a worldwide issue or a local disaster?”
  • The Rise of Populism: What’s Going On?
    Why are populist movements blowing up all over the place?
    Hook: “Why are so many people fed up with the system?”
  • Global Migration: Crisis or New Beginning?
    Is migration a problem, or is it an opportunity for growth?
    Hook: “Is migration a crisis or a fresh start?”
  • The Global Water Crisis: Why’s Water Running Out?
    Explain why clean water is getting harder to find in so many places.
    Hook: “Why is something as basic as water becoming a luxury?”
  • Human Rights: Are We Really Making Progress?
    Take a look at where we’ve improved and where we’re still failing on human rights.
    Hook: “Are we better at protecting rights, or just better at talking about it?”
  • Digital Censorship: Who Really Controls the Internet?
    Break down how governments and companies control online info.
    Hook: “Is your internet freedom real or just an illusion?”
  • Global Health: Ready for the Next Pandemic?
    Discuss if we’re actually prepared for another pandemic after COVID-19.
    Hook: “Did we learn anything, or are we going to make the same mistakes?”
  • Women’s Rights: Making Moves or Still Stuck?
    Highlight global wins and losses for women’s rights.
    Hook: “Is equality a reality or just a dream?”
  • Cultural Globalization: Blending or Erasing?
    Is globalization uniting us or wiping out local cultures?
    Hook: “Are we blending cultures or losing them?”

Innovation and Technology

Here are 10 easy-to-grasp topics that’ll help you write on the latest tech trends and innovations.

  • What’s After Smartphones?
    Talk about the tech that could replace smartphones—AR glasses, implants, or something we haven’t thought of yet.
    Hook: “What’s going to be the next gadget we can’t live without?”
  • Tech for Good: Solving Real Problems
    Highlight tech that’s tackling climate change, poverty, and other big issues.
    Hook: “Can tech really fix the world’s problems?”
  • Wearable Tech: Trend or the New Normal?
    Discuss how wearables like Fitbits are changing how we live and track health.
    Hook: “Is your smartwatch just a toy or a game-changer?”
  • Self-Driving Cars: Are We Ready?
    Where are we with self-driving cars, and what’s holding them back?
    Hook: “Would you trust a car that drives itself?”
  • 5G: What’s the Big Deal?
    Explain what 5G means for our devices and why it’s more than just faster internet.
    Hook: “Is 5G just hype, or is it going to change everything?”
  • Robots at Home: More Than Just Vacuuming?
    How are robots going from factory floors to everyday homes?
    Hook: “When are robots going to do more than just vacuum?”
  • Tech Addiction: Are We Hooked?
    Talk about how tech is designed to keep us glued and whether it’s hurting us.
    Hook: “Are we all just a little too hooked on screens?”
  • Blockchain: Beyond Bitcoin
    Show how blockchain tech is being used outside of cryptocurrencies.
    Hook: “Is blockchain really as big a deal as everyone says?”
  • Tech Ethics: Should We Build Everything We Can?
    Discuss whether we should build tech just because we can, like AI that replaces jobs.
    Hook: “Just because we can make it—should we?”
  • The Future of Work: Will Robots Take Over?
    Look at how automation is changing jobs and what the future workforce will look like.
    Hook: “Is a robot about to take your job?”

And There You Have It: Your PowerPoint Starter Pack

So, what are some ideas for a PowerPoint presentation that won’t send everyone to snoozeville? Whether exploring social media’s grip on our brains, AI’s next move, or figuring out why cancel culture has us all on edge, these topics are ready to go. 

Just remember: keep it focused, use real examples, and throw in some hooks to grab attention from the first slide. Your audience will actually stay awake and maybe even leave thinking, “Hey, that was pretty cool!” 

And if you need a hand, our online essay writing help is ready to assist you!


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Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

What was changed:

American Psychological Association. (n.d.). Attention spans. APA.

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