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How to Use ChatGPT to Write a Resume

How to Use ChatGPT to Write a Resume
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According to Yahoo Finance, nearly 99% of Fortune 500 companies use an ATS – an application tracking system. For smaller businesses, Capterra has found out that 75% of recruiters worldwide use an applicant tracking system as well. 

An applicant tracking system is a digital instrument utilized by recruiters, hiring managers, and recruiting teams to oversee the whole hiring process efficiently. It functions as a digital intermediary, aiding in the sourcing, attraction, evaluation, and, ultimately, the hiring of the most suitable candidates for job listings.  

On the other side of the hiring process, there are applicants and job seekers who also use automated tools like ChatGPT for resume writing to tailor their CVs to fit the search criteria and hiring algorithms of recruiters better. In this article, you will learn how to use the power of ChatGPT to create a winning resume that will get noticed by an ATS and send it higher up the recruitment funnel. The process is similar to hiring an essay writer to polish your scholarly document, which – in the case of resume writing – is performed by a chatbot powered by a large language model.    


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How Can ChatGPT Help You Write a Resume

Writing your resume with ChatGPT ensures that your document is tailor-made for the specific job or industry you're targeting. The chatbot can analyze keywords and industry-specific language, helping you create a resume that aligns perfectly with the position's requirements. Here are 5 best ChatGPT prompts for resume writing:

How Exactly Can ChatGPT Help You Write a Resume

1. Professional Language and Tone

ChatGPT generates content with a professional tone, enhancing the overall quality and impression of your resume. It helps you present your skills and experiences in a manner that resonates well with employers and hiring managers.

2. Time Efficiency

Using ChatGPT for resume writing significantly reduces the time and effort required to create a compelling document. The model generates content quickly and can provide you with multiple drafts, saving you valuable time that can be better spent on other aspects of your job search.

3. Adaptability to Different Industries

Whether you're transitioning between industries or applying for diverse roles, ChatGPT can adapt its language and content to suit various job requirements. This flexibility allows you to confidently apply for positions in different sectors with a well-crafted resume.

4. Keyword Optimization for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

ChatGPT assists in incorporating relevant keywords and phrases that align with the job description, optimizing your resume for ATS. Many companies use ATS to filter through resumes, and having the right keywords increases the chances of your resume being noticed and advancing in the application process. By leveraging ChatGPT, you can enhance your resume's visibility and improve its performance in automated screening processes.

5. Use of ChatGPT Prompts

Prompts for resumes enhance customization by allowing users to input specific instructions related to job roles, skills, industries, or experiences. This tailoring ensures that the generated content aligns precisely with individual needs and job requirements. The efficiency of using prompts expedites the resume creation process, saving time for users who require a quick and effective document. The clarity of focus achieved through targeted prompts enables users to communicate their unique professional attributes, increasing the relevance and impact of the generated resume.

ChatGPT Resume Prompts

ChatGPT prompts are user-inputted instructions that guide the model in generating text based on a given context or task. Users provide a prompt as a starting point for the model to understand and respond to their queries or requests, similar to when you ask our qualified service experts, ‘Write my papers.’ The length and specificity of a prompt can influence the depth and relevance of the model's response. These prompts essentially serve as cues for ChatGPT to produce coherent and contextually appropriate language. Users can experiment with different prompts to obtain varied outputs, making the interaction with ChatGPT dynamic and adaptable to specific needs.

Using ChatGPT to write resume is also performed in the form of prompts. For example, entering "Write a first-class resume" would yield general tips derived from publicly available advice. However, if you inquire, "Write a resume for an undergraduate student majoring in computer science," the response would be significantly more detailed and tailored to the specific context provided. Here are the basic things to remember when asking a chatbot to help with your resume:

tips for chat gpt

Be Specific

  • Clearly articulate the details you want to highlight in your resume, such as desired job roles, key skills, or industry focus. Specific prompts help ChatGPT generate content that closely aligns with your needs.

Use Keywords

  • Incorporate relevant keywords related to the job you're applying for. This helps optimize your resume for applicant tracking systems and increases its visibility to potential employers.

Emphasize Experience

  • If certain work experiences are crucial, explicitly mention them in your prompts. This ensures that the generated content appropriately highlights your relevant professional background.

Highlight Achievements

  • Encourage ChatGPT to focus on your accomplishments by asking for content that emphasizes achievements and measurable results. This adds substance to your resume.

Specify Formatting Preferences

  • If you have specific formatting preferences for your resume, include them in your prompts. For example, you can request a chronological or functional format to suit your preferences.

Mention Unique Selling Points

  • Identify and communicate your unique selling points or strengths, and ask ChatGPT to incorporate them into your resume. This helps distinguish you from other candidates.

Iterate and Refine

  • Don't hesitate to iterate on your prompts. If the initial response is not exactly what you're looking for, refine your instructions and ask ChatGPT to generate an updated version. This iterative process can lead to a more polished and tailored resume.

How to Use ChatGPT to Write a Resume in 6 Steps

You've opted to explore the realm of artificial intelligence to enhance your workflow. With artificial intelligence on your team, the potential use cases appear limitless. However, to begin harnessing the power of ChatGPT for resume, consider these four effective strategies.

STEP 1 – Ask What Information a Chatbot Requires from You

Begin the resume creation process with ChatGPT by understanding the crucial details it requires. The chatbot will guide you on essential information such as contact details, professional experience, education, skills, and any specific preferences you have for the resume. This step ensures a comprehensive and tailored result, helping you efficiently communicate your qualifications and achievements.

Prompt: "I’m starting my resume and need your guidance. What key details do you need from me to craft an effective resume?"

Result: "To create a standout resume, I'll need your full name, contact details, a concise career objective, detailed work experience (job titles, companies, and dates), educational background, skills (both technical and soft skills), and any noteworthy achievements or certifications. Additionally, if you have a specific job in mind or style preferences for the resume, please share those details to customize the content accordingly."

STEP 2 – Make Your Introduction

Writing an introduction is key to understanding how to use ChatGPT to write your resume. First and foremost, introduce yourself succinctly, highlighting your career aspirations, key strengths, and unique attributes. This section serves as a snapshot of who you are professionally, setting the tone for the rest of the resume, including how to list education on resume, which we also described in our blog.  

Prompt: "I'm at the introduction stage of my resume. How can I effectively introduce myself, showcasing my strengths and career aspirations?"

Result: "In the introduction, provide a brief overview of your professional identity. Highlight key strengths, career aspirations, and unique attributes. Start with your career objective or a brief summary, mentioning your years of experience, main skills, and a passion or goal. Keep it concise, engaging, and tailored to the job you're targeting. Consider incorporating a hook that captures attention, making the reader eager to explore the rest of your resume. Remember to strike a balance between confidence and humility, aiming to leave a positive first impression."

STEP 3 – Provide Your Working Experience 

Detailing your work experience effectively is crucial for a compelling resume. Provide a comprehensive overview of your professional journey, including job titles, companies, dates, and key responsibilities. Emphasize achievements and quantify impact where possible to showcase your contributions. This section allows employers to gauge your suitability for the role and the depth of your expertise. By the way, in addition to a CV, applicants should also learn how to write a cover letter because most employers also require this document.

Prompt: "I'm working on my resume's work experience section. How can I best present my professional journey, emphasizing key responsibilities and achievements?"

Result: "In the work experience section, list your jobs chronologically, including job titles, companies, and dates. For each role, outline key responsibilities with action verbs, emphasizing your impact. Quantify achievements where possible, showcasing results. Focus on relevant experiences and tailor details to align with the job you're applying for. Use bullet points for readability, keeping each entry concise and compelling. Here’s an example that might help:

Professional Experience:

Software Engineer | Orange Tech Solutions | May 2020 - Present

  • Spearheaded the development of a new customer portal, increasing user engagement by 30%.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to implement agile methodologies, enhancing project efficiency.

IT Consultant | ABC Consulting | Jan 2018 - Apr 2020

  • Led system integration projects, resulting in a 20% reduction in client operation costs.
  • Conducted training sessions for end-users, improving overall system adoption and usability.

Junior Developer | Tech Innovators Inc. | Jul 2016 - Dec 2017

  • Contributed to the design and implementation of a mobile app, garnering 50,000+ downloads.
  • Assisted in troubleshooting and debugging software applications, ensuring optimal functionality."

STEP 4 – Add Information About Your Education

ChatGPT for resume writing is useful when you’re detailing your education, which is essential for showcasing your academic background. Include information such as degrees earned, institutions attended, graduation dates, and any academic honors or relevant coursework. This section provides context on your qualifications and helps employers understand your educational foundation.

Prompt: "I'm working on the education section of my resume. How can I effectively present my academic background, emphasizing key details and achievements?"

Result: "In the education section, list your degrees, starting with the most recent. Include the institution's name, degree earned, graduation date (or expected date), and any academic honors. If you have relevant coursework or projects, briefly mention those that align with the job you're applying for. Keep the information concise and tailored to emphasize the aspects most relevant to the position. For example:

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Oklahoma State University, Graduated May 2021

  • Relevant Coursework: Database Management, Software Engineering"

STEP 5 – Choose a Proper Resume Format

Selecting the right resume format is crucial for presenting your information effectively. ChatGPT for resume usually suggests such formats as chronological, functional, and combination. Choose one that best highlights your strengths and aligns with your career history. A chronological format emphasizes work experience, a functional format focuses on skills, and a combination offers a balance. Your choice should enhance readability and emphasize key aspects relevant to the job.

Prompt: "I'm unsure about the best resume format for my background. Can you guide me in choosing a format that showcases my strengths effectively?"

Result: "The ideal format depends on your career trajectory. If you have a strong work history, consider a chronological format. For emphasizing skills over time, a functional format may be suitable. Alternatively, a combination format balances both. Could you provide more details about your work history, skills, and career goals? This will help me recommend a format tailored to your strengths and the specific job you're targeting."

STEP 6 – Ask ChatGPT to Adjust Your Resume to the Job Description

The last step in learning how to use chat GPT to write a resume is tailoring your resume to match the job description is crucial for catching the employer's attention. Requesting ChatGPT to make adjustments ensures your resume aligns with the specific requirements of the position. This includes incorporating relevant keywords, emphasizing skills sought by the employer, and highlighting experiences that directly relate to the job.

Prompt: "I want to tailor my resume to a specific job description. How can I adjust my resume to better align with the requirements and stand out to potential employers?"

Result: "To optimize your resume for the job description, carefully review the key requirements mentioned. Ensure that your resume includes relevant keywords, skills, and experiences that match those outlined in the job posting. Emphasize specific achievements or projects that demonstrate your suitability for the role. If there are particular qualifications or competencies the employer is looking for, make them prominent in your resume.


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Summing Up

According to a survey conducted by in February 2023, over half, specifically 51%, of individuals among 1,000 current or recent job seekers have utilized chatbots to compose their resumes. In a study from Bult In, 78% of applicants who used a chatbot to apply for a job said they were invited to an interview, and 59% said they were given a job offer. Considering these statistics, all students should have practical knowledge of how to use ChatGPT to write a resume because – similar to application tracking systems (ATS) – this is not only the future of recruitment but also its present. As you train how to use a chatbot to improve your CV, pay for essay to have your writing assignments taken care of while you apply for a job. 

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

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