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How to Pass the NCLEX: Tips, FAQs & More

How to Pass the NCLEX with the Best Tips
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Passing the NCLEX exam is one of the most important steps in becoming a licensed nurse. This exam tests your knowledge and skills to ensure you are ready to provide safe and effective patient care. Preparing for the NCLEX can be challenging, but with the right strategies and mindset, you can succeed.

In this article, our online nursing essay writing service will share practical tips and techniques to help you study effectively, manage your time, and stay calm during the exam. From understanding the exam format to developing a solid study plan, these tips will guide you through the preparation process and boost your confidence on test day.

What is the NCLEX Exam

The NCLEX (National Council Licensure Examination) is a standardized test for nurses in the United States and Canada. There are two types: NCLEX-RN for registered nurses and NCLEX-PN for practical or vocational nurses. The test is divided into four major categories and several subcategories:

  • Safe and Effective Care Environment
  • Health Promotion and Maintenance
  • Psychosocial Integrity
  • Physiological Integrity

The exam tests your knowledge and ability to apply nursing skills safely and effectively. It uses computerized adaptive testing, which means the difficulty of questions adjusts based on how well you're doing. This adaptive approach helps determine if you have the minimum level of competency needed to work as a nurse.

To take the NCLEX, you must graduate from an accredited nursing program. Passing the NCLEX exam is required to obtain a nursing license and begin working as a nurse in most states and provinces.


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How Hard is the NCLEX

The NCLEX (National Council Licensure Examination) can be challenging as it uses computerized adaptive testing. This means the difficulty of questions adjusts based on how well you answer. The exam aims to determine with 95% certainty whether you meet the minimum passing standard.

For those who don't know how many questions are on the NCLEX, you'll face between 75 to 265 prompts, and it's crucial to answer enough questions at your competency level to pass. If you run out of time before reaching the minimum number of questions, the exam will still assess your performance to determine a pass or fail.

In 2021, the first-time pass rate was 79%, according to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN). Proper NCLEX prep is key to ensuring you're among those who pass the exam on their first attempt.

How Long is the NCLEX

The NCLEX exam typically lasts up to six hours, including tutorials and breaks. Throughout the test, you'll encounter between 85 to 150 questions. Of these, 15 questions are experimental and won't affect your score; they're included to test new questions for future exams. The number of questions that count toward your score ranges from 70 to 135.

As you prepare for the exam, it's helpful to review essential nursing student skills for resume.

How to Pass the NCLEX

Before scheduling your exam, familiarize yourself with these key tips below. By mastering each one, you'll feel confident and prepared to ace the test with a strong mindset!

How to Pass the NCLEX

Understand the Exam Format

Before you take the exam, make sure you understand its format so you will be well-prepared for what to expect on test day. The NCLEX uses a Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) format, which means the test adjusts the difficulty of questions based on your performance. Here is what you need to know:

  • Question Types: The NCLEX includes various question types such as multiple-choice, multiple response, fill-in-the-blank, hot spots (clicking on an image), drag-and-drop (ordering or categorizing items), and audio clips. Familiarize yourself with these formats to avoid surprises.
  • Number of Questions: You will receive between 85 and 150 questions. Out of these, 15 questions are pretest items and do not count toward your score. The number of scored questions ranges from 70 to 135.
  • Time Limit: You have up to six hours to complete the exam, which includes a tutorial at the beginning and two optional breaks. The first break is after two hours, and the second is after three and a half hours of testing.

Create a Study Schedule

Creating a study schedule will help you really understand how to pass the NCLEX. This way, you organize your study time effectively, ensuring you cover all the necessary content without feeling overwhelmed. Here's how to maintain a consistent study routine for a more productive study.

  • Track your study sessions, practice tests, and other important dates.
  • Mix up your study techniques to keep things interesting, such as reading, watching videos, and doing practice questions.
  • Ensure you get enough sleep, eat well, and take breaks to avoid burnout.

Sample Study Schedule:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Week 1-2 🗓️
Focus on a Safe and Effective Care Environment. 🏥
Review and take notes on infection control. 📚 Practice questions on safety and infection control. 📝 Study management of care. 📖 Practice questions on the management of care. 📝 Review notes and take a mini practice test. 🧠 Review difficult concepts. 🤔 Rest and self-care. 🌸
Week 3-4 🗓️
Focus on a Safe and Effective Care Environment. 🏥
Repeat a similar pattern, adjusting the focus to new content areas. 🔄

Use Practice Tests

To familiarize yourself with the NCLEX examination format and improve your test-taking skills, start using practice tests. They help build your confidence and improve your timing so you can manage the actual exam more effectively. Here's how to make the most of your NCLEX prep with practice tests:

  • Take practice tests in a quiet, distraction-free environment.
  • Time yourself to get used to the exam's time constraints and pacing.
  • Review each practice test thoroughly to understand your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Pay attention to the types of questions you get wrong and the content areas where you struggle.
  • Read the explanations for both correct and incorrect answers to understand the reasoning behind each question.
  • Periodically take full-length practice exams to build stamina and get used to the length of the NCLEX.
  • Keep a record of your practice test scores to monitor your improvement over time.
  • Use this data to adjust your study plan and focus on areas that need more attention.
  • Use practice tests from different sources to get a wide range of question styles and difficulty levels.

Focus on Weak Areas

Focusing on your weak areas ensures you know how to pass the NCLEX the first time and are well-prepared across all topics. It helps you turn weaknesses into strengths, making you more confident and capable on exam day.

How to Identify and Address Weak Areas:

Tip Description
Identify Your Weaknesses 🔍 Use your practice test results to pinpoint areas where you constantly struggle.
Pay attention to the types of questions and specific content areas where you make the most mistakes.
Prioritize Study Time ⏰ Allocate more study time to these weak areas. For example, if you struggle with pharmacology, dedicate extra sessions to learning drug classifications, mechanisms, and side effects.
Use Targeted Resources 📚 Find resources specifically designed to help with your weak areas, such as textbooks, online courses, and review guides.
Consider using flashcards, videos, and interactive tools to reinforce your learning.
Practice Specific Questions 📝 Focus on practice questions and case studies related to your weak areas.
This helps you apply your knowledge and improve your problem-solving skills in those specific topics.
Review and Reflect 🔄 After studying a weak area, review your progress by taking related practice questions or quizzes.
Reflect on any mistakes you make and ensure you understand the correct answers.
Seek Help if Needed 🆘 If you're struggling to understand certain concepts, seek help from peers, instructors, or tutors.
Join study groups or online forums where you can discuss challenging topics and get different perspectives.

Develop Test-Taking Strategies

Effective test-taking strategies can significantly improve your performance by helping you navigate tricky questions, manage your time, and stay focused throughout the exam. Here are some key test-taking strategies:

  1. Read Questions Carefully: Carefully read each question and all the answer choices before selecting your answer. Pay attention to keywords such as "most," "first," "best," and "except," which can change the meaning of the question.
  2. Use the Process of Elimination: Eliminate clearly wrong answers to narrow down your choices. This increases your odds of selecting the correct answer even if you are unsure.
  3. Prioritize Safety: Always consider patient safety first. Many NCLEX questions are designed to test your ability to prioritize safe and effective care.
  4. Look for Clues: Look for clues in the question that can help guide you to the correct answer. Sometimes, the wording of the question can hint at the right choice.
  5. Manage Your Time: Keep an eye on the clock, but don't rush. Aim to pace yourself so you have ample time to address each question. If a question stumps you, mark it and move on, then return to it later if time permits.
  6. Stay Calm Under Pressure: If you encounter a difficult question, take a deep breath and try to stay calm. Use relaxation techniques like deep breathing to help manage stress during the exam.
  7. Practice Critical Thinking: The NCLEX often tests your critical thinking and decision-making skills rather than just your factual knowledge. Practice scenario-based questions and case studies to enhance these skills.

Stay Healthy

Maintaining good physical and mental health can improve your concentration, memory, and overall performance. Being in peak condition ensures you are alert and ready to tackle the exam.

  • Get Enough Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night, especially in the weeks leading up to the exam. Good sleep helps with memory retention and reduces stress.
  • Eat Nutritious Meals: Consume a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Avoid excessive caffeine and sugar, which can lead to energy crashes.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. Dehydration can impair your cognitive functions and concentration.
  • Exercise Regularly: Incorporate regular physical activity into your routine, such as walking, jogging, or yoga. Exercise reduces stress and boosts your mood and energy levels.
  • Take Breaks: Take short breaks during your study sessions to rest and recharge. Use these breaks to do something relaxing or enjoyable.
  • Practice Relaxation Techniques: Engage in relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation. These can help reduce anxiety and keep you calm.
  • Avoid Burnout: Balance your study time with leisure activities and socializing to prevent burnout. Make sure to incorporate activities that you enjoy and that help you relax.

Stay Calm and Confident

Staying calm and confident can help you think clearly and perform better on the exam. Anxiety can cloud your judgment and negatively impact your ability to answer questions on the NCLEX examination accurately. Consider these tips to stay calm and confident: steps to be a nurse practitioner

  • Use positive affirmations and remind yourself of your hard work and preparation.
  • Visualize yourself successfully completing the exam.
  • Confidence comes from being well-prepared. Stick to your study schedule and ensure you cover all necessary material.
  • Focus on one question at a time rather than worrying about the entire exam.
  • Avoid thinking about questions you may have answered incorrectly.
  • Practice mindfulness to stay present and calm. Techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and mindfulness exercises can help keep you centered.
  • Prepare everything you need the night before, such as your ID, snacks, and comfortable clothing.
  • Arrive early at the testing center to give yourself time to relax and settle in.

6 More NCLEX Study Tips

Tip Description
Keep It Simple Avoid overthinking the questions. The NCLEX is designed to test your entry-level nursing knowledge and critical thinking skills. Focus on reading each question carefully and answering based on your basic understanding without searching for hidden meanings.
Recognize Key Words Pay attention to specific words that can help you identify the correct answer. Words like "always" or "never" often signal that the response might be incorrect. Look for negatives like "not" in the question to guide you toward the right choice.
Use the Process of Elimination Immediately eliminate any answers you know are wrong. This increases your chances of selecting the correct answer from the remaining options.
Manage Your Time If you get stuck on a question, spend no more than two minutes on it. Choose your best answer and move on. It's more effective to answer as many questions as possible rather than getting bogged down by one.
Trust Your Preparation Have confidence in the work you've put into studying. Trust that your preparation has equipped you to handle the questions and rely on your knowledge and instincts.
Take Care of Yourself Ensure you're well-rested and nourished on exam day. A good night's sleep and a healthy meal can help you stay focused and perform your best.

Final Words

After completing the exam, stay positive while you wait for your results. You won't get your scores right away at the test center. Your state board of nursing will inform you of your results about six weeks after you take the exam. If you don't pass on your first try, you'll get a detailed report to help you study for your next attempt. Remember, you can always get expert help for writing essays and other needs. Finish strong and get ready to start your nursing career by passing the NCLEX!


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Adam Jason

Adam Jason

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

What was changed:

Tips for Passing the NCLEX Exam. (2024, April 2).

NCLEX RN Practice Test (updated 2022). (2015, August 20).

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