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EssayPro Scholarship Contest 2023: Win up to $10,500!

EssayPro Scholarship

EssayPro Scholarship 2023: Win Up to $10,500

Hey, all you up-and-coming writers and enthusiastic learners! The EssayPro Scholarship 2023 is here, giving students a chance to show off their essay-writing abilities and win big. Don't let this opportunity to win a large prize pot of $10,500 slip away!

Open to any qualified applicants, this year's contest anticipates fierce competition, with monetary prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each division. If writing excites you and you wish to prove your talents, this is your chance to excel.

For the EssayPro Scholarship 2023 Contest, you have 3 essay topics to pick from. They span a range of subjects and look at different areas of society and education.

  1. Why do students cheat? Reasons behind academic dishonesty
  2. How can the development of Artificial Intelligence technologies affect the future of education?
  3. Is war possible between the US and China, and who would have the upper hand?

These three essay topics offer great prospects for a meaningful and stimulating debate. No matter if you decide to talk about academic dishonesty, AI in education, or US-China relations, you must compose an essay that is well-researched, argued, and written!

What Are We Aiming For?

With the EssayPro Scholarship 2023, not only can students display their writing expertise and benefit from the rewards, but it also allows North America and Canada's largest writer's community to extend its influence and assist more students. 

Since 2016, the EssayPro team has provided assistance to more than a million students, showing dedication to the development of young writers' academic talents. At EssayPro, we care deeply about giving students the means to succeed academically. 

Thus, if you are a student and an aspiring writer, don't miss the opportunity to join the EssayPro community and perhaps win the EssayPro Scholarship 2023.

What Benefits Do We Extend?

EssayPro Scholarship 2023 is giving students the opportunity to show off their writing skills and get some cool prizes. Winners of the top three places in each category will be rewarded with:

$2,000 for first place
$1,000 for second place
$500 for third

So, the total prize pool is $10,500.

Scholars have a great chance to demonstrate their writing skills and raise money to help pursue their academic ambitions.

Plus, we're stoked to reveal that students who participate in the spring showdown will get 35% off our writing services!

This program is a stellar chance for students who require additional assistance with their scholarly writing, as our services provide top-notch writing aid to help you reach your ambitions. Therefore, no matter if you are aiming to succeed or just need some help with your writing tasks, EssayPro Scholarship 2023 has something for you.

Join the Party with These Easy Steps

Taking part in the EssayPro Scholarship 2023 is as easy as a piece of pie! To enter the contest, simply write an essay on one of the three topics provided and follow these simple steps. 

essay contest
  • To ensure your essay is submitted in time for the deadline of October 1, 2023, email a PDF to
  • After that, keep track of EssayPro's Instagram accounts, @essaypro_official and @essaypromemes, to be in the know of the newest news and updates about the scholarship.
  • Sign up for an account on
  • Finally, like and share the EssayPro Scholarship 2023 post in your Instagram stories and tag one friend in the comments. 
  • Make sure to include our profiles in your stories and ensure your account is made public for us to check your involvement and monitor your repost. 

If you follow these steps, you could be in line to win one of our incredible prizes!

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Essay Criteria

At EssayPro Scholarship 2023, we have designed our essay requirements in such a way that all participants have the same opportunity for success.

  • Your essay must be between 825 and 1,000 words and must be completely original to qualify for the contest. 
  • We will verify that all entries are original by running them through an originality-checking AI.  
  • Furthermore, your essay must be impeccably punctuated and grammatically correct to guarantee that it is composed well and can be easily understood.

Give your best shot at writing an essay that meets the criteria and submit it to the EssayPro Scholarship 2023. You could come away with an awesome prize!

May the cream of the crop when it comes to writing come out on top!


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Scholarship winners announcement

Our 2023 scholarship contest has finally concluded. We're grateful to everyone who took part in our competition. As a token of appreciation, we'll reward every participant with a 35% discount on our writing aid.

Finally, we're excited to announce the lucky winners who'll split the prize pool of $10,500. Since our contest involved 3 essay topics, we've picked the three best essays in each category.

Here is the list of winners:

Scholarship winners announcement!
Why do students cheat? Reasons behind academic dishonesty
How can the development of Artificial Intelligence technologies affect the future of education?
Is war possible between the US and China, and who would have the upper hand?

Stay tuned! More exciting activities from EssayPro are coming soon.

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November 1, 2024
Eye of the Tiger gonna help me pass calc? Sure, I’ll give it a shot but not holding my breath here 💀
October 30, 2024
Nice choice of songs! I know almost all of them and the playlist for studying is epic! Florence and the Machine - Dog Days Are Over is a cray cray :)
October 30, 2024
Absolutely loving this playlist! 🎧 Big thanks for putting this together – totally recommend this to anyone needing that extra motivation boost! 🙌
October 30, 2024
The song that motivates me the most is MÅNESKIN - Honey!
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Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

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