Register and provide information
To place an order, follow these steps:
- Write your email and password.
- Give us the details about the deadline and order requirements, including language, service, education level, and paper type.
- Choose the most suitable options for your order, such as the subject, size, citation style, and the number of sources.
- Add a topic and detailed instructions.
- Review all provided information.
Pick an expert and track your order
- Select a writer for your project.
- Easily check the status of your orders.
- Review the progress history of your projects.
- Collaborate with your assigned writer.
- Add funds to your account balance.
Get your paper and make a payment
- Receive your essay.
- Review it thoroughly.
- Request revisions if needed.
- Pay only when your requirements are met.
- Share your feedback with a review. We appreciate it.
Will any information about my order be posted online?
No, we secure the confidentiality of your order details. Only you and the writer can see them. They are never posted online or shared with anyone else.
How does the writer selection process work?
The writer selection process starts when you fill out your assignment order form. It becomes visible to all our professional writers.
They carefully review your information to determine if they’re able to assist. Then, they begin submitting proposals and send you offers with their terms and prices.
Before placing an order, you can review each writer’s background on their profile page and communicate with them directly. This allows you to ask questions and receive immediate feedback.
Are my payment details and personal info safe?
Absolutely! We work only with trusted partners who use industry-standard safety methods to keep your payments secure. Your trust is our top priority, so we take extra steps to ensure your personal information remains protected. Rest assured, we've got you covered.
If I'm not satisfied, what should I do?
If you're not happy with the quality of your paper, you have several options available:
- Ask the writer to make changes.
- Request a different writer.
- Get a refund by following the steps laid out in our Refund Policy.
Our goal is to ensure customer satisfaction, and we are committed to doing whatever it takes to make things right for you.