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Information about how to indentify possible dyslexia in a pupil:
The criteria most commonly used in assessment is the disparity (difference) between a pupil's intelligence and their actual achievement.
If a pupil you teach appears to speak and listen normally, yet they are unable to read and spell, then there may be more to check out.
Some of the well-known symptoms of dyslexia are:
confusion over the direction letters face (b/d, p/9, p/q);
difficulties with left and right;
difficulties with keeping organized;
difficulties with spelling;
difficulties with directions (e.g. east and west);
missing out words when reading.
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What causes dyslexia?
dyslexic by reading
To be quite honest, nobody quite knows at the moment. There has been a real increase in the amount of information available through research, and a number of possibilities are beginning to emerge, but the waters are still fairly murky. The overall picture is that dyslexia can be caused in two ways:
1. by inherited factors; and/or
2. by hearing problems at an early age.Read more
Giving homework
teacher at board
Many of us are guilty of hastily writing homework on the board in the last minute of a lesson, and dyslexic children often arrive home with an incoherent and incomplete note of what is to be done. Parents try to help, but cannot work out what the homework is supposed to be.Copying homework from the board is a daily problem for children with dyslexia in school, and a regular nightmare for parents. Read some teacher guidelines for making it easier for dyslexic children to go home with an accurate note of their homework.
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Dyslexia news
• Helping Dyslexics in the Blink of an Eye
• Trouble with Numbers
• English is Europe's toughest language to learn
• Scientists identify dyslexia gene
• Computer Game Helps Dyslexics
• Voice Recognition Software Helping Dyslexics
• Steve Redgrave
• More
Teaching contacts
Dyslexia organizations, Discussion Boards, Conferences, Conventions and exhibitions for teachers.More
Local organizationsDyslexia and Math
(Maths) new!
calculatorMany dyslexic children and teens aften experience problems with math (maths) because of their difficulties with sequencing. Many have not yet learned the basics - how to count to 100 forwards and backwards, and do not understand any processes beyond addition. Jean Herold describes some techniques which will help.
Latest Dyslexia
Each day our news agency searches in newspapers around the world for any stories about dyslexic children and adults, and the latest dyslexia information and research. The most relevant of these stories are selected for our FREE World of Dyslexia Newsletter and sent to subscribers each month.
Multi-sensory teaching methods
Studies from the National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development have shown that for children with difficulties learning to read, a multi-sensory teaching method is the most effective teaching method to use to teach a child with dyslexia.
More information teenage boy with a teacherConfidence building
The majority of children with dyslexia have come to the conclusion that they are stupid!
In any school in any week of the year a dyslexic child experiences a huge amount of failure. Why can't he read and spell? He must be dumb, thick, stupid. It's the conclusion that anyone would reach in similar circumstances, and it badly needs changing before any corrective teaching is going to be effective.
More information
Hints and Tips for Teachers
Dyslexia Books
Information about books: a selection by experienced experts of books, software and technological aids for children and students with dyslexia is here for teachers.
More information
Dyslexia Resources
print-outInformation about free print-outs for parents, listings of phonics programs, and links to a huge range of resources for helping children with dyslexia in your school.
More information
Dot's Diary
I put up a display in the classroom about differences. The whole class discussed the issue and contributed (race, hair colour, skin, eyes, religion, etc) but no-one talked about learning requirements or disabilities. It was a good chance to talk to some of the pupils about these issues and remind them that we do not all find learning easy nor do we learn in the same way.Read more of the diary of a teacher of children and teens with dyslexia.
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News, information and research in our
Add this page to My FavoritesCertificate Course in the Teaching of Children with Dyslexia (or similar difficulties)World of DyslexiaMany teachers, teaching assistants and parents find themselves responsible for the education or support of a dyslexic child or teenager but do not feel equippped with the knowledge about dyslexia or the teachniques and strategies to help. Our distance learning multi-media courses provide practical training in how to support and teach a child who is, or may be, suffering from dyslexia, either in school or at home.The courses provide training in the particular learning needs of dyslexic children, and the areas in which they experience difficulty, especially spelling, reading, writing and math/s. They focus on practical methods and strategies which teachers and parents can use to raise achievement levels in children and teenagers.Dyslexia Certificate CourseDyslexia Parents' CourseWhat are the differences between the Certificate Course and the Parents' Course?What's new?
Police Officer hearing a boy read Bozeman Schools Seek to Help Kids with DyslexiaStudents, Teachers Helped by M.T.S.U. Dyslexia CenterLiverpool First Dyslexia-friendly School DistrictCampaign to Help Dyslexic Kids in MalaysiaFeds Cap Taks ExemptionsTom Cruise Launches War on PsychiatristsNew Evidence for Roots of DyslexiaWhen B's Look Like D'sPrint out our pages!
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Search the World of Dyslexia websites:Search
Go!This SiteSite MapResearchComputer Game Helps Children with Dyslexia - Psychologists in Finland have developed a computer game to help children with dyslexia. They say it improves reading ability by training a specific part of the brain. (August 20th 01)Voice Recognition Software Helping with Dyslexia - You may have heard of programs like Dragon Naturally Speaking or IBM ViaVoice, where the computer types what you say. This report shows positive results from their use. The feedback we have received is that the more time you spend at the beginning 'training' the program to learn your own particular voice patterns the better. (July 19th 01)
More News and ResearchDyslexia Case Studies
Difficulty copying from the boardA child I teach says he has these difficulties copying from the board:• Not enough time to copy from the board.
• I lose my place. I try hard but get lost. It takes me a long time to check nearly every word to find my place. It is easier in the dyslexia group because I can ask where I am.
• When my teacher checks my work I have lots of mistakes.
• I don't like having to stay in to finish copying from the board.
• I can't read the joined up writing, I don't always know what letter to write.
• I never know what I have written.
• I can't see the words on the whiteboard. They can move around and sometimes I see two words the same.
• I can read the board better in the dyslexia support group because the teacher writes on a blue background.
More informationTeaching Methods
sandpaper lettersMulti-sensory teaching methods
Studies from the National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development have shown that for children with difficulties learning to read, a multi-sensory teaching method is the most effective teaching method to use to teach a child with dyslexia.
More information teenage boy with a teacherConfidence building
The majority of children with dyslexia have come to the conclusion that they are stupid!
In any school in any week of the year a dyslexic child experiences a huge amount of failure. Why can't he read and spell? He must be dumb, thick, stupid. It's the conclusion that anyone would reach in similar circumstances, and it badly needs changing before any corrective teaching is going to be effective.
More information
Hints and Tips for Teachers
Dyslexia Books
Information about books: a selection by experienced experts of books, software and technological aids for children and students with dyslexia is here for teachers.
More information
Dyslexia Resources
print-outInformation about free print-outs for parents, listings of phonics programs, and links to a huge range of resources for helping children with dyslexia in your school.
More information
Dot's Diary
I put up a display in the classroom about differences. The whole class discussed the issue and contributed (race, hair colour, skin, eyes, religion, etc) but no-one talked about learning requirements or disabilities. It was a good chance to talk to some of the pupils about these issues and remind them that we do not all find learning easy nor do we learn in the same way.Read more of the diary of a teacher of children and teens with dyslexia.
Read moreBULLYINGInformation and advice about how to deal with the bullying to which many children with dyslexia are subjected.
Direct Learning Limited
• www.dyslexia-teacher.com
• www.dyslexia-test.com
• www.dyslexia-parent.com
• www.dyslexia-adults.com
• www.dyslexia-magazine.com
• www.dyslexia-journal.com• www.dyslexia-college.com• www.classroom-assistant.com
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